January 15, 2016 7:06 AM
Morning Reads for Friday, January 15, 2016
On this day in Georgia history: Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929.
- What’s missing here? A Georgia county. Any Georgia county.
- 11 bills to watch.
- Elaine Lucas at it again.
- Unhappy voters are leaving the established parties, in droves.
- r-e-s-p-e-c-t.
- Honestly, what are they teaching kids these days?
- Trouble in paradise?
- Lost in translation. Literally.
- Wuv. Twuuuue Wuv.
- RIP Alan Rickman.
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W/R/T the Gallup link, it would be interesting to see how many nascent voters decide not to affiliate with any party at all, from the get-go. It’s not uncommon for voters, especially the whippersnappers, to say things like, “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a Democrat, but I certainly have no problem with men marrying each other,” or, “Hoo boy, I’m not a Republican – but maybe there’s something to the concept of taking a hard look at Medicaid spending?”
(Please note that these are off-the-cuff, one-cup-of-coffee, sleep-deprived examples and there are certainly better ones out there.)
Only saw part of the debate but here is summary:
First off, too many goofy questions such as birther issue and Trumpets wealth. Very disappointing.
Trumpet. Below average, wasted time on birther issue, still nothing on spending or health care and he brags about a Carl Icahn endorsement?
Cruz. Disappointing overall, unable to answer campaign loan question but has interesting tax plan
Carson. Irrelevant
Jebby. Not bad overall, good response on tariff issue and other issues but not enough to move him up in the polls.
Rubio (aka the kid). Good overall performance. Good comments on guns, tariffs though may be too aggressive on foreign policy.
Kasich. Not his usual obnoxious self but no one cares about him at this point
Christie. Good performance overall . Reminded viewers about social security reform and good explanations of his record as governor but bad policy on marijuana.
Now, back to Ga. politics.
Still want to believe it is a Cruz/Rubio race.
Cruz calls it a 16% “business tax” while others call it a “VAT.” The intent is to lessen and simplify taxes paid by business.
The archbishops of the Anglican Church have voted to discipline the Episcopal Church in the U.S. for blessing gay marriages. Sanctions are in place and the report is on all media.
And before folks pile on, explain why marriage is a controversial government definition for a group for special benefits when the government is about individual freedoms? Why do people need to join this group to get a better deal from their government ?
Grandfather the benefits and get back to individuals.
I do not understand your question(s).
Glad you are back. There is no end to the various lifestyles that want in on the “marriage” benefits, tax classifications, SS, afforded by government. Let folks do what they want in their life or religious belief, file clear contracts on their relationships at the county courthouse and let the government treat them as individuals.
Government has no business defining “marriage”. Grandfather in what we have so as not to screw over long term planning and begin treating folks as individuals.
Thanks for the sentiment, Salty. I think I see where you’re coming from, though I’m not in 100% agreement. I see two completely different institutions being conflated by some folks, purposefully, or not. There’s a legal marriage, and then there is (or more properly ‘can be’) a religious ceremony known commonly as a wedding.
The marriage is nothing more than a legally binding contract between two individuals. I can enter into a legally binding contract to buy a house from another man (I am a man), but until last year I couldn’t enter into a legally binding contract to marry (legal contract) another man (my wife wouldn’t like that, though). This contract is necessary to protect the rights (property, legal standing, estate considerations, and, yes, tax status) of the two individuals in said marriage.
The religious wedding ceremony is something the government stays out of and is left entirely up to the religious entity in question.
C – between two individuals ? Why two ? Do you hate fundamentalist Mormons or some Muslim sects ? 🙂
The govt gets into those calling them illegal.
I’m not sure where this reply will show up. I refer to the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. Until the SC ruling last year, two same sex individuals didn’t have the same protection under the law to marry as two heterosexual people did. As there is no law that allows polygamous marriages of either opposite or same sex folks, there is no ‘equal protection’ for your Mormon or Muslim friends to invoke.
Japan honors Hank Aaron with the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette for his efforts with Sadaharu Oh to bring young people together through the World Children Baseball’s Fair, and hell, for being Hank Aaron.
I did not know that Rep. David Scott was Aaron’s b/i/l.
Good debates last night, both included mostly questions about substance with a few WWE type questions to keep the audience involved. Carly unfortunately was dropped to the junior table but still had another solid performance. In the main event, Trump had his best debate to date. The rest are a bunch of pit yorkies yipping at his heels hoping to gain any sort of traction. None did.
Agreed in most cases about other marriages. But in this case, it is absolutely appropriate to discuss since the husband is an ex president who was impeached and has a long history of not being exactly faithful to his wife. And the wife overlooks the many discretions as no other wife would unless that wife has personal goals that necessitate her being married to the scumbag.
Carly has openly discussed her tenure at HP and subsequent activities including being invited to be a board member for multiple organizations, running for senate and performing consulting duties. If she wanted to pursue a C level position, I’m certain she wouldn’t have any problem landing a high paying job.
Gotta wonder how much campaign debt Jeb bought from Graham for his endorsement?
$127.54 worth of campaign debt. The value of Graham’s endorsement.
Ginny, ‘you been taking speech lessons from BahBah WahWah? 🙂
On the debate…
Christie was for Justice Sotomayor before he was against her
Supported Planned Parenthood before he was against
Was for gun control before he was against
(you get the picture).
Does he not realize that this is all public record…some actually on video???
I’ve never been happier that anyone has become more irrelevant than Ben Carson…and he drove that point home.
Trump, was…well Trump
Everything Rubio said sounded canned. His shrillness and fear mongering really diminishes his appeal as the “happy warrior”
Kasich was closest to some common sense, but the base has no interest in common sense. He gets bonus points for not being baited on the Sanders question.
Notice no talk about the deficit…thats because every one of their tax plans blow it up massively (not that the deficit matters…I’ve always said that)