Speaker Ralston Addresses Proposed Assault Weapons Ban
House Speaker David Ralston isn’t in favor of the bill banning assault weapons proposed by Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver. In a briefing following Friday’s legislative session, Ralston said,
As long as I am Speaker of this House, I will not use any of our valuable time taking away the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens. I am completely baffled, in the wake of Paris and San Bernardino as to how someone believes that the solution to some of these problems are to disarm law abiding Georgians and Americans. I suppose the press conference yesterday is about as much energy and time as you will see utilized on that issue.
It is taking away the right to possess and bear arms, and you can put lipstick on that pig all you want but it’s still a pig, and it’s not going to be something that we’re going to deal with in this House.