January 27, 2016 7:37 AM
Morning Reads — America Lost.
Our nation lost. Not just on Sunday but also that we have only one decent tennis player anymore.
“Providence” by Steve Kilbey & Martin Kennedy.
- $8 billion for MARTA rail?
- Harold Jones: make pot possession a misdemeanor.
- Long-blighted areas being redeveloped.
- Coke’s balm: smaller cans?
- Immigrants save Atlanta business.
- Atlanta Archdiocese providing spiritual relief at Atlanta airport.
- The Autry state pen seems like a very poorly run establishment.
- Clearly more people with guns were needed to prevent deaths in gun store shooting.
- Steve Kilbey listens to Triple J’s Hottest 100 So You Don’t Have To.
- So uh, Abe Vigoda is actually dead.
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Georgia SG Britt Grant (on behalf of AG Sam Olens) has signed on to an application for stay to the SCOTUS to block the Fed’s new “Clean Power Plan”, arguing that the over-reaching goal of the plan is to shut down all remaining fossil fuel-burning plants (as well as turn the EPA into an energy “czar”).
Commentary here from SCOTUSbolg’s Lyle Denniston. The full application (docket 15A773) is here (pdf).
H/T SCOTUSblog.com
Surprised there is no mention of the huge debate news yesterday and the ongoing discussion about who will show up – http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/dem-primaries/267120-dnc-will-not-sanction-additional-debates
On the other side, minor news about the leading candidate deciding not to participate in a debate hosted by his arch nemesis posing as a journalist – http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/perry-joins-cruz-trail-rally-iowa-conservatives-36524405
You got that right! Where Have You Gone, Connors, Mac, Sampras, Agassi and Courier?
I’d like another Roddick/Capriati (minus the drugs).
Thoughts on Trump pulling out of the debate? Does it hurt him? In normal times, sure, but today, hellifiknow!
Trump’s supporters don’t care if he debates or not, he’s right regardless. No one’s on the fence about him anymore.
The way I read his refusal to participate is that he’s a whiny baby who is incapable of facing someone who hurt his precious special snowflake feelings. So, yeah, he’ll be super at facing down adversarial world leaders.
(And my $1 is on him showing up anyway.)
” he’s a whiny baby who is incapable of facing someone who hurt his precious special snowflake feelings.”
Trump is a millennial.
He’s beginning to crack!
So Donald Trump has decided not to participate in the next debate because he thinks Meghan Kelly and FOX news will not treat him fairly. Did he treat the elderly lady he had removed from her home to build a parking lot fairly? I would say no. If Trump becomes president he will be the ultimate Whiner in Chief. For a man who seems so tough on the surface he is very easy to anger over not being treated fairly. Just yesterday he got all pissy because a reporter dared to use his own words when asking Trump about his stance on abortion. Trump then demanded an apology from the reporter for reading Trump’s own words. I can forgive anyone who has supported Trump in the past and has come to the light to see him for what he is. If you are still a supporter I will give you some of Trump’s bold straight talk. You are a damn fool.
I’m not necessarily upset he’s missing the debate. You are correct in that it might turn out to be the best political move for him. I flat out do not like the guy because he isn’t a conservative and he is one of the biggest whiners to ever run for president. He continuously talks about being treated fairly yet has made a living from screwing people.
Don’t forget to wash behind your ears.
I’d like to see a Republican candidate town hall using the same format as the Democratic town hall the other night. The consensus at our house is that it was downright pleasant to watch and you could actually hear the candidates give substantive support to their campaign platform. There are many more Republican candidates, but part of the reason that there have been six debates with nothing new is because DJT is sucking all the life out of any real discussion.
This is the first election that our son (age 11) has been truly interested in and we’ve let him watch the first hour or so of several of the debates and I am afraid they might not be the best examples of political dialogue because, like you said, the field is so wide that the debate is really just a shouty word salad.
At the risk of sounding like a nostalgic old fart I really do long for presidential debates that were conducted on a higher plane. Eisenhower vs. Stevenson were the first ones I remember listening to and reading about. Two candidates that mostly spoke their own minds and weren’t afraid to show they possessed an intellect. Hell, even Nixon and McGovern look like mental giants compared to most of the current offerings, especially after the current ones allow their handlers to buffer the pap.
I’m not saying that there hasn’t been mudslinging (Goldwater/Johnson) or other less savory pursuits but the current candidates and their discourse really have me concerned. Perhaps it is time to change how we go about electing Presidents. Starting with corporations having civil rights and money counting as free speech.
If required to choose the lesser evil, Trump is preferable to the China unconditional trade candidates (Hillary if you pump enough into her Foundation and friends, China can steal all they want) or Bloomberg (philosophically for free trade, ok for China to steal a bit off the top if we can sell to them too).
I’d like to slap tariffs on the goods of those that don’t play nice.