Rumor has that Senator Brandon Beach, a Republican who represents parts of Fulton and Cherokee counties, is planning to drop a bill Monday that will increase the sales tax in Fulton County by half of a penny as part of the proposed MARTA funding bill, bringing the total county sales tax to 7.5% – unless you live in City of Atlanta. Then it would be 8.5%.
Specific details are not available since the bill hasn’t dropped, but the increase is a move that DeKalb County is planning to put off for one more year.
A couple interesting points: It’s interesting that Senator Beach would have a tax bill originate in the Senate, since you’re not exactly supposed to do that. It’s also interesting that Beach essentially blindsided the rest of the Fulton delegation with the initiative for the bottomless pit that is MARTA. One thing’s for sure, though: The idea is full of pep from people on the outside.
What kind of ‘pep,’ you ask?
From the EventBrite Invitation:
Evening to Support Transit Expansion with Sen. Brandon Beach.
The Coalition to Advance Atlanta is proud to join together with Senator Brandon Beach to discuss plans to further connect the Atlanta region through mass transit during the 2016 Georgia legislative session. If you are a supporter of mass transit, or want to learn more, please come out and join us! North Fulton residents are especially welcome and encouraged to attend, as the event will cover the proposed northward rail expansion being discussed.
-Take the Red Line north to the North Springs MARTA Station.
-Take Bus 140 north via GA 400.
-Exit Bus 140 at North Point Pkwy @ Old Milton Pkwy.
-Walk 1/2 mile east via Old Milton Pkwy sidewalk. 5 Seasons will be on your right.
The event is a rail to bus to sidewalk initiative…in North Fulton County. Almost NO ONE does that – at least not by choice.
PSA: If you’re planning on attending the event and traveling by way of the invitation, you’re going to take your life in your hands, especially at 6:30 p.m. when the sun is long gone. Travel with a yellow reflective vest, some good walking shoes, and an umbrella. As people south of gnat line say, ‘We’re prayin’ for ya.’