February 24, 2016 5:54 AM
Morning Reads for February 24, 2016

THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS: GSU schedules home-and-homes with UNC and Vanderbilt in 2020/21 and 24/25 respectively. Hype.
“Dreams of Milk & Honey” by Leslie West.
- 2016 Creative Loafing Lust List doesn’t include me or Charlie so it’s safe to say said ranking is discredited.
- Is Michael Thurmond the man to save the Dekalb CEO position from being eliminated?
- Georgia’s own Lance Toland Associates requires all employees to carry.
- Isakson wants legislation for VA staff accountability by mid March.
- He could also be linchpin to getting hold lifted on Obama’s VA inspector general.
- Kris Pilcher wins Atlanta’s Emerging Artist Award.
- Why is Ben Carson still running for POTUS?
- Our seas are rising faster than at any point in the last 2800 years.
- Thank god Republicans are the only people in the world holding steadfast in the fight against incontrovertible science on climate change, though!
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Why is Carson still running? Same as Kasich, Cruz and Rubio. Ego and the fact that they can. Kasich is running for VP. So, is Marco. After last night in Nevada, no one will stop Trump. Period. The “coalescing” theory that if Cruz or Rubio drop out, everyone will gravitate to the other is bunk. The establishment Repubs better begin to figure out how to get along with Trump if they want any power whatsoever should he win. Same with we as voters. Can some us “hold our nose” and vote for him or will those folks stay home? Damn interesting times.
The Trump train is bringing out lots of new voters, via record turn out. How this plays out in the general will be very interesting. Trumps biggest problem may be with establishment republicans, very bizarre race. That is why I do think Rubio or Kasich will be on the ticket. I think it could be Rubio via the Latino vote, even though I think Kasich would be a better VP.
“That is why I do think Rubio or Kasich will be on the ticket. I think it could be Rubio via the Latino vote, even though I think Kasich would be a better VP.” Donald Trump has proven that he will not play by the traditional rules of a presidential race. What leads you to believe that he will go the traditional route and pick someone as his running mate that also ran for president? Don’t be surprised if he picks another business person or even pulls a stunt as outrageous as to run with his daughter. All of the old rules of thumb are out the window with this guy. If he picks someone that ran it will probably be Huckabee. Trump will not pick someone that has a chance to outshine him or take the spotlight off of him.
Also, if he was really worried about the Latino vote he wouldn’t be saying what he is saying about building a wall. He won’t risk losing his angry, kick ’em out of my country base by running with Rubio as his VP.
The difference between us is you way underestimate how strategic Trump had been. Agree or not with his polices, as I said early on Trump is crazy like a fox when I first so the train picking up. At the end Trump will make a very calculated move, that will give him the best chance to win. just my 2 cents.
You are right. He has been very strategic in flip flopping on the issue of immigration, taxes, Planned Parenthood, abortion in general, he was against going into the Middle East now wants to go destroy ISIS. He has been very strategic in spoon feeding a load of crap to a bunch of angry people. If he becomes president I want to know what people who are voting for him think his first year in office will look like. Honestly, I do. He has yet to give a single statement about policy. What will a president Trump do?
I bet he make a deal with senate democrats to raise the payroll tax to “fix Medicare and Social Security.” I bet he supports the Trans Pacific Partnership because he is good at making deals and wants to beat China. TPP does that. I bet he doesn’t build his wall because he can’t afford to pay for it. So that turns into a flat out lie. He uses more executive orders than Obama does. He doesn’t work to replace Obamacare because he has already said he likes the individual mandate.
I’m done. At some point you have to quit trying to not drown and just sink to the bottom with what dignity you have left. I will not vote for him and everyone that has the spoon fed Trump crap on your face I will tell you is this; I told you so. If in two years when does everything I listed above you better keep your mouth shut and not complain because it’s your fault we have President Trump. Not mine.
And that wasn’t directed at you John so don’t get your panties all in a wad. I know you have supported Kasich. You know who it was for.
I am not upset, was just trying to make a point of how got here. I am just more optimistic than you, that Trump will play ball, and be way more rational than his persona.
Kasich said yesterday in a TV interview with one of the local stations he was not interested in the VP slot at all. That could change but he appeared very determined about that.
They all say that…..
That’s the reason I inserted the weasel words “That could change but”…..
If it is Trump as nominee (and it looks more likely everyday, unfortunately), then those who address the Commander-In-Chief directly better get used to saying Madam President very soon.
I find that eventuality equally unfortunate.
That ain’t gonna happen. She will be addressed as ‘Defendant.” I know I’m hugely outnumbered here. Maybe I should change my name on here to “Linus” or “The Great Pumpkin!” LOL!
What’s that old saying…If wishes were horses then beggars would ride…
Just like me and everyone that predicted Trump’s demise I believe you are just as wrong on Hillary as we were on Trump.
You could be right…
Right about being right or right about being wrong? Or maybe just wrong about being right?
Lol! Right about my being wrong! I mean, it was bound to happen once in my life!
We have all underestimated Trump, at the end of the day I would not bet against him. As you know early on I backed Kasich, but it is what it is….One thing seems obvious, the establishment in GOP hates Cruz more than they fear Trump. Cruz must of made lots of enemies in the Senate from his own party.
“…the establishment in GOP hates Cruz more than they fear Trump…”
Then can’t the same be said about Rubio?
No, because Rubio gets most of the endorsements. Cruz has not had one person in the Senate endorse him. it seems the endorsements from the establishment and bad press helps Trump. It reinforces the us verse the old guard theme……
We are seeing the same concept playing out on the Dems side. Sanders brings outside new blood, while the establishments beats him up. Which is why I think Hillary will be in trouble……With all the nasty games, hard to see the new Sanders voters he has gained for the Dems showing up in a general.
Trump will frame the election of us verse the old guard. Who do you trust? Tough formula for Hillary to fight, with real wages off the last 30 years, healthcare cost still out of control, policemen of the world foreign policy with no end in sight in the Middle East, scandal stuff with Clinton, donations and speaking fees from Wall Street……
Agree or not with Trump,he has plenty of fire power to throw at Hillary.
1. To make the lust list y’all need to consider bartending, barbering and bar hopping for casual relationships.
Hillary is being discovered…according to da judge. Warm up the “if indicted, I will not resign” and “right wing conspiracy” speeches, just in case, while her minions are on search and destroy missions.
Time to start paying more attention to the details of Trump’s positions than his facial expressions.
Interesting WXIA story on Sen. Renee Unterman and her long time employment at Amerigroup/Anthem, one of our large state Medicaid providers. Unterman won’t reveal her salary.
Georgia has a long tradition of a preferring direct private experience and objectives for those selected to serve as committee members overseeing the same. We spin that “who knows more about………?”
They don’t even have to be paid in full on tax obligations, a plan to pay is sufficient.
Banking is a favorite.
We keep reelecting the same people and expecting better results,,,,,, wait What?
Future ethics legislation should prohibit any legislator from working for a state vendor. Amerigroup/Anthem contract is well over a billion dollars. A legislator can work in a particular industry without working for a state vendor. Unterman has worked for this vendor for over ten years. It’s a clear conflict of interest.
So with his loss in Nevada last night, Rubio is now zero for four in the early contests of Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina. And he has yet to vow he will win any of the states on Super Tuesday. He may go 0 for 13 next Tuesday. So his chances of getting the nomination don’t seem that great.
Yet he has the same amount of delegates as Cruz. So their chances are the same.
Any thoughts out there on Rubio skipping CPAC?
Yeah, CPAC doesn’t have any delegates to offer. Georgia, Virginia, Texas and the other Super Tuesday states have delegates to win. It’s a better use of his time to skip it.
CPAC is AFTER Super Tuesday.
I thought it started Monday and went through next week? The argument is still the same. There are no delegates at CPAC. But Florida is a winner take all state and a must for Rubio. I’ll assume he will be there.
Hard to imagine Rubio winning Florida in 3 weeks if he is zero for 20-something in contests going into that primary. Perhaps he would fess up and tell us what states he has to win next week in order to remain a viable candidate. Of course he says the race is about how many delegates you win, not (necessarily) how many states, but I don’t see how he can get the nomination without winning some primaries and getting the most delegates from those staets.