Bob Bryant, who represented Savannah in the 162nd House District, passed away at 5:30 this morning.
He was hospitalized on Wednesday “after falling ill earlier in the week” according to a Savannah Morning News report. It’s unclear what the cause of death was, although the SMN article says he went to the hospital after collapsing in January. Bryant said at the time he had lower back pain and an elevated heart rate.
Ron Stephens told the paper of Bryant: “He’s someone that everyone, on both sides of the aisle, loves to death. He’s one of my best friends. He’s one of the most beloved members of this House.”
In a statement, House Speaker David Ralston called Bryant “one of our best.”
Bob Bryant was a man of principle and integrity. He had the courage of his convictions and he never allowed anything to get in the way of doing the right thing. We will miss his kind and gentle spirit and the gift of his friendship.
Georgia has lost a great leader. Savannah and Chatham County have lost a determined and dedicated advocate. The House has lost a calm voice of reason and as fine a role model of public service as we could know. We have lost a truly good friend who made serving in the House a joy.