March 9, 2016 6:22 AM
Morning Reads Full of Conspiracy
Conspiracy? Yes, conspiracy.
“I Won’t Tell a Soul” Jimmy Witherspoon and Brother Jack McDuff
- Newt Gingrich said GOP insiders don’t like Trump because he’s not part of “the secret society.”
- It’s like the Stonecutters but better.
- Sam Nunn apparently partly responsible for Trumpism.
- John’s Creek is leading the fight against illegal massage parlors.
- Atlanta Magazine’s one-on-one chat with Johnny Isakson.
- APS to close, consolidate schools as part of turnaround plan.
- Green County teacher tells student: “you are the dumbest girl that I have ever met…You know what your purpose going to be? To have sex and have children, because you ain’t gonna never be smart.”
- Oy.
- Atlanta first “casualty” in AC/DC concert cancellations.
- Has the citizenry of Atlanta, at any point in our fair city’s history, woken up and said “we need a cat cafe.” No. No it has not.
- “Global warming is not a future threat — it’s the present reality, a menace not to our grandchildren but to our present civilizations. In a rational world, this is what every presidential debate would focus on. Forget the mythical flood of immigrants — concentrate on the actual flooding.”
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About last night:
Trump train rolls on, and makes a major statement in the rust belt. The Hillary campaign will eventually win, but it is clear Trump will hurt her with working class Dems.
Cruz did it again telling voters Rubio was dropping out and vote for him. Should the GOP punish Ted for doing this twice now?
Kasich lived to fight another day but the window is closing. Should Kashich be the VP?
Rubio campiagn in free fall…..Florida not looking good.
Hillary wins in places the Dems have no shot in a general. Clinton has lost the trust of many in her own party. Hillary will win the nomination via the party helping her, and the math now, but a general will be a rough match with Trump. The Dems keep saying Trump will fire up the Dem base, but strange when he is getting the crossover vote from their party.
Bernie lives another day with stunning win over Hillary in Michigan. Bernie and Trump demonstrate fixing trade and taking on lobbyist money machine message is working with the majority of Americans no matter what party.
And I don’t suppose high taxes, excessive regulation and unreasonable unions had anything to do with the demise of Michigan’s auto industry? Look at the number of foreign car manufacturers that have set up shop in Dixie the last 30 years—like KIA at West Point, Mercedes in Alabama and BMW in South Carolina.
Just like Bernie Sanders can never admit there can be too much government, or government can do anything wrong. Always the fault of big business….
The current companies assemble in our country, do not really do manufacturing. Most the parts are made in place like China, Mexico….The average worker in China, Mexico….make no more than a few dollars an hour living in slave like conditions. Throw in the currency manipulation you have a massive trade deficit. Do I really need to post a video showing the working conditions in places like Mexico, China…?
Rubio should have bailed after Super Tuesday. He could have done it then and maintained some sense of credibility in order to pursue future elected office.
Now he is stuck and either must stay in no matter how bad the forecast for Florida or bail with blame for Trump’s nomination laid at his feet. Basically he’s in a no-win position of his own doing. Typical politician.
I agree
Three Jack is right about Rubio—-he was effectively eliminated by failing to win any of the first three contests—Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina. Since 1980, no Republican has won the presidential nomination without winning at least one of those three early states. Rubio even went so far as to say the winner of Florida next week will be the party nominee…….hmmm…………
Seems to me that there are way too many early votes already in the bank for Rubio for him to drop out. Exit polls were showing Rubio way up in the early voting. If he dropped out at this point, Trump runs away with Florida. No?
Trump wins FL with or without Rubio in the race. As I posted, Marco backed himself into a corner when he stuck around after getting whupped on Super Tuesday. The ONLY reason he sticks around is to try and stop Trump, he has no path to winning the nomination. And he will fail at this attempt just as bad as he has over the past few weeks.
Rubio needs to get out. He will not win FL. If he really wants to damage Trump give his delegates to Cruz.
Heard someone a couple of cubes over say “Take that Obama we just won in your own back yard.” meaning Hawaii. But I do hve a question how in the hell does Puerto Rico have more delegates than a state?
Will “Trump and Cruz and pray for booze” be the new rallying cry for the goper regulars? Or do they toss Rubio in the discard pile with Jeb! and try to get Romney in the race? My guess is neither; in a few weeks they’ll be sneering at anyone who wasn’t with Trump back in the fall.
From Dona Brazil last night about Hillary issues in the rust belt.
…….Black folks in the north vote differently than black folks in the south. You can’t pander to them. You’ve got to have a strong economic message…..
Say what you want, but if you look at the Michigan primary it is clear she has lost blue collar voters with her views on trade. It is clear Bernie and Trump have them in their corner. As I said above Hillary will win the primary, but this will be a real issue in a general for Hillary. I am from Toledo Ohio, telling them that the trade deals did not hurt their wages and or job opportunities will not fly. It only further grows her distrust problems with rust belt voters. When I go home you can see the what happen with your own eyes in that area post NAFTA, WTO China…..When you tell the people we had our best car years, and brag about the bail out, it only makes the people more mad about how their future got traded away with bad deals. One of the largest unions ripped Hillary to the members, after that debate before the election. It was so bad, she lost a 20 point lead in less than a week.
That 20 point lead was predicated on polling done only via land lines and only of Democratic voters. Young people – who don’t own land lines, of course – and Independents voted heavily in favor of Bernie. Not that her strategy/performance in the Flint debate didn’t help Bernie at all, but the gap wasn’t so much erased by Bernie as never existing in the first place.
Amen Andrew. Those jobs are gone and they aren’t coming back. Pandering as if they will is going to really have people in a bad place later when the hope they had completely falls apart. Pretty much every solution Trump offers is either completely unworkable, a flat-out lie or would make things worse. But hey, he might say the exact opposite thing if you wait a few minutes.
…………I’m sick of the pandering to blue collar workers. Free trade isn’t the reason they lost their jobs. Free trade merely exposed the myriad inefficiencies present in the mid-90s American labor market. Businesses are going to make goods somewhere else if it’s cheaper to make them somewhere else. That’s economics 101…..
In all due respect the father of free economics Adam Smith would disagree with you. His book Wealth of Nations is the blueprint for free of our system. Smith was clear as a bell in his book that workers needed the same rights as the employer to negotiate wages or it would create “inefficiencies ” via increasing spread between rich and poor ie creating a distribution problem. Basically Henry Ford theory pay your workers enough to buy the products they produce, if not in the long run it will hurt demand.
This is why Smith was a leading abolitionist of his times, and historians credit him for coining the concept of the Bill of Rights in our country. Beyond the moral issues, the reason many argued against slavery and worker rights (sweat shops period) in our own country.
Your No Child Left Behind all must get a 4 year degree is not only unrealistic it has been an economic disaster. The country needs people with all the skills, someone has to fix your car, build your house, cut your hair…….
John this is one of those rare occasions we agree . You’re 100% spot on.
……..As globalization has increased, physical barriers have decreased………
The problem with your theory is the spread between rich and poor across the world is growing just like Adam Smith warned. It is creating a worldwide demand problem, you do not need a PHD in economics to understand 55 cent hour workers cannot buy much, do you not get the problem?
The problem with a service based economy is you end up buying more than you produce that creates debt. The level of personal and national debt is growing at an irrational level relative to GDP. Which is why we will see a slow down fairly soon, like I predicted the last time.
………..How is the spread between rich and poor the “problem with my theory.” That’s called capitalism,……..
Not to be insulting that is not capitalism if it is driven by laws that take away the rights of workers verse the people that employ them. That is a form of fascism…..
…… He can’t just pick up the phone and tell China to implement a living wage….
What Adam Smith book Wealth of Nations said was if you have 2 equal trading partners than you should have no tariffs. But if you have a situation that one partner is violating the rules of the agreement ie manipulation of currency and or workers have no rights, you should charge a tariff to equalize the difference.
………Tariffs on China lead to reciprocal tariffs on our exports……
I always laugh at this argument, we are upside down massively with China via trade, we owe them a ton of money to cover our debt to buy goods as wages shrink, and we heading to another economic correction via this business model making no sense. You have no solution than repeating the same cycle over and over again. LOL
…….Trust me, oh sage predictor of economic cycles, the growth of debt relative to GDP is not a result of our increasing lurch to a service based economy……
80 percent of Americans are basically one check away from blowing up. A third of Americans are so far in debt they will either die with it or BK. This cycle keeps repeating it self after we went to the service based economy. What am I missing?
China’s Total Debt Load Equals 282% of GDP, Raising Economic Risks
BTW it does not help countries stealing the jobs with slave wages. At the end somebody has to buy the product……Strong middle class equals strong economy. If money concentrates to much at the top it cannot recycle efficiently. Basically rich people can only spend so much, while middle class spend way more as a ratio….less middle class less distribution. What you fail to understand this is a math problem that Adam Smith figured out….math is math…
The Braves and Marlins will play a regular season game at Fort Bragg on July 3.
“The first professional contest of any sport to be played on an active military base, the Fort Bragg Game is slated for 8 p.m. ET on Sunday, July 3, at a newly constructed 12,500-capacity ballpark. . .”
Someone suggested the Marlins should move permanently to Bragg.
Maybe the DoD won’t have to pay the Braves for the color guard.
“Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?”
Also, the video that auto-follows the clip you linked to is outstanding.
Paul Broun announced this morning he is running for congress in the ninth district.
Doug Collins is not laughing.
So will Broun’s ethics investigation that the House ethics committee had to drop when he left the House come back now? I hope so. Just a reminder of the quality of person Broun is.
“OCE also says that it has “substantial reason to believe” that Broun used government funds “to compensate an individual for services provided to one or more of his election campaigns, in violation of House rules and federal law.”
Doubt if ethics will be much of an issue. A better question is why did Collins vote for the Dec. 2015 spending bill (hr 2029 I believe) ? His partial explanation was that it contained money for Port of Savannah but most of us know the port will be completed with or w/o federal taxpayer money.
Defunding Planned Parenthood will be an issue to some voters. Collins says it was mandated spending but Broun says it could have been defunded.
The ninth district race is more about Collins and his record rather than about any of his opponents.
“Collins says it was mandated spending but Broun says it could have been defunded.” Collins is right on this and Broun is wrong. PP gets their funding through Medicaid grants. Medicaid funding was not apart of the omnibus bill because it is mandatory spending and not discretionary spending. Broun is lying.
It is obvious that Paul Broun needs a job. Any job. And he will say anything and do anything to try to get back on the taxpayers teat.
Will he talk about his bankruptcy where he was hit with a $213,000 judgment for intent to deceive?
Contempt of court during his third divorce?
Failed to pay 5 years of federal taxes. $62,000 in all.
Lost his medical license.
This man is a charlatan and I can’t wait to help Doug out with my donation and by knocking on doors if that’s what it takes. Washington doesn’t need people like Paul Broun. There are already enough frauds in DC.
“but most of us know the port will be completed with or w/o federal taxpayer money.”
I’m not sure you realize just how much money we’re talking about and how much money it costs us for every year of delay. The state of Georgia has already contributed its share of $266 million of the $706 million project total. Federal funds are already behind. We’re talking hundreds of millions lost if there are years long delays.
Nice accent aigu move by putting on glasses during her report. Did you notice she didn’t have them on when when she ended her report? Now the most important question. Why did they not give out the teacher’s name and a picture of the teacher? Would that not be part of the public record when they complained at a school board meeting?
Kansas City mass murderer was Mexican illegal previously deported. How’s Trump’s wall looking now?
A Trump wall will look over priced, over budget, break almost ever bid rule known in construction and federal procurement, have cheap barely to code structure covered by flashy shiny finishes that will need to be replaced before the end of the decade and most likely be built with metal and concrete coke from China – but with out the tax credits or chapter 11 hearing to either pay for it or write it off as a loss but then legally re-established under a new Trump company name to carry the next construction bond. Like the majority of the buildings he owns.
The wall is Symbolism over substance. BS buzz words. Once over the wall he’ll be just as good to go as before.
Carly endorses Ted. I regret supporting her.
So will Rubio. The only question is before this coming Tuesday or next Wednesday morning.
The Don doesn’t like her looks.
Take a gander over at Drudge. It seems the FBI Director Comey has become a “Political Problem.” To whom, I wonder?
If I gander over to Drudge, then I would have to read some equally myopic liberal online drivel (like Daily Kos… )to balance the political insanity scale….
Well, I mean, you wouldn’t HAVE to read their ‘librul’ drivel. Just stick with Drudge!
Or I can just skip the Drudge to begin with…
But where would you get reliable news? 🙂
+1 for oxymoron.