Conspiracy? Yes, conspiracy.
“I Won’t Tell a Soul” Jimmy Witherspoon and Brother Jack McDuff
- Newt Gingrich said GOP insiders don’t like Trump because he’s not part of “the secret society.”
- It’s like the Stonecutters but better.
- Sam Nunn apparently partly responsible for Trumpism.
- John’s Creek is leading the fight against illegal massage parlors.
- Atlanta Magazine’s one-on-one chat with Johnny Isakson.
- APS to close, consolidate schools as part of turnaround plan.
- Green County teacher tells student: “you are the dumbest girl that I have ever met…You know what your purpose going to be? To have sex and have children, because you ain’t gonna never be smart.”
- Oy.
- Atlanta first “casualty” in AC/DC concert cancellations.
- Has the citizenry of Atlanta, at any point in our fair city’s history, woken up and said “we need a cat cafe.” No. No it has not.
- “Global warming is not a future threat — it’s the present reality, a menace not to our grandchildren but to our present civilizations. In a rational world, this is what every presidential debate would focus on. Forget the mythical flood of immigrants — concentrate on the actual flooding.”