April 11, 2016 7:37 AM
Morning Reads — April 11th
Top Trump aide retweets endorsement from fake congressman pic.twitter.com/qdtTvyryJT
— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) April 10, 2016
Happy Monday, everyone! At 8am, George Chidi will post part 1 of his four part series on a DeKalb election. Put your partisanship away for ten minutes and read his posts. There is always a nugget of wisdom in each post
- A closer look at Jawja’s campus carry bill.
- United Healthcare is quitting the Jawja insurance exchange next year.
- Sen Ligon in the WSJ: Why are companies taking sides in Religious Liberty debate?
- Jawjins travel to the front lines of the Syrian refugee crisis
- How much should state legislators be paid?
- How far can you go to gain a Republican’s support?
- Immigrant students blocked from enrolling in schools.
- In some parts of the US, the poorest adults die as young as people in places like Rwanda.
- SNL jabs Clinton over subway incident.
- Poll: Obama’s approval rating is rising as the economy improves
- A never before seen portrait of Anne Boleyn was found on eBay. Amazing.
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Cruz wins Colorado with any voters’ votes? This is as crooked as Hillary’s super delegates.
Not crooked at all. At this stage, parties are working towards selecting a nominee for the election in November. While some might expect that process to look like November’s election, it’s really not. Some states have primaries. Others have caucuses. In Pennsylvania, you vote for delegates who are supposed to vote for specific candidates.
In Colorado, they pick their candidate at a convention, so it’s the convention delegates who have the vote. That’s what they did in Virginia a few years ago. The same thing has been proposed for Georgia, especially by Brant Frost V in Coweta County and others.
Has this been the standard practice in Colorado to select this way or was this year the first?
Changed in August.
Ahhh… “Perception is Reality.” Trumps poll numbers were through the roof in August. They changed their way of picking the delegates just so they could deny Trump. It’s their right, to be sure but it looks smarmy.
NYT: Rich live longer than a 40 yr. old making $28k. If you had an able bodied 40 year old living at home and gave them a credit card for food or trade and paid for medical would they move out and get ambitious ?
No dignity or a great society will come from unending subsidies (poor or rich).
Senator Blutarsky has some fun with Earl Ehrhart and SB 323, aka the UGA Football Recruiting Privacy Act.
See Salty, herein lies your worldview problem: “ambition”. All your life, you have been trained that life is a competition and that America has a Dream that can be achieved, not on nepotism, but good old ‘hard work’, ‘ambition’, ‘saving money for retirement’. Your life is measured not by your contribution to the world, but to the size of your home.
You cannot fathom a world where machines will do all the labor, there will be no more jobs, and in order to survive, we must depend on the government (which is really us, collectively, whether you admit it or not) to give us one of those cards that provide ‘basic income’.
America was built on ambition, but there is no more way to better your life. Where you are now (purchasing power) is where you will be in a few decades, if you are still around.
And you will be. Because with a universal healthcare system we all contribute a rational amount to sustain, we will grow more healthy, and live longer. I don’t know what you do for a living, but a machine will take that job in a few years.
Will you then become the ‘leech’? Indeedly do!
You may not owe it to the ‘leeches’ you conservatives continuously whine about, as if your insignificant contribution to the tax base mattered. But by your God, you owe it to your children and your grandchildren. Stop thinking about yourself, and think about what kind of world you are leaving them. Let THEM decide what is a ‘leech’ and what is ‘ambition’.
Conservatives are eating their young, and soon, you will mostly be reduced to sun rooms in retirement homes, blaming Obama for your aches and pains.
Either contribute to the progress of society or get out of the way.
God, cannot wait for Salty to reply to this Socialist drivel…
Day, you are obviously on some intense pain killing substance. If you have read any of my posts you know I find both parties equally negligent in our future.
I train all of those I care for to understand a rapidly changing world and know they alone are responsible for their pursuit of happiness. There are many very good options available to them, the trick is picking one.
Machines will not be doing all the work but disruptive approaches will make our lives better. Smart phones efficiently do many jobs and short cut many of daily life chores right now. But machines doing everything is about as off as a paperless society.
It is folks like you preferring layers of bureaucracy, regulations and protecting middle men that hold us back. You talk of universal health care but with exceptions, exclusions, restrictions……..
Government bureaucracy is adding multimillions to hospital construction. One example; Northside Hospital Cumming. They paid a lot of money to experts to forecast needs but bureaucracy restricted their building plans. Govt demanded the forecasts come true and occupancy rates of neighbor hospitals get high before approving expansion. The new hospital is now on their third expansion at a tremendous additional cost. Same is going on in Canton with a hospital not even open.
PS Rick
“size of home” shows how blind you are, but it was funny – I advise working millennials to avoid debt, buy enough land to put in a conservation type program most states have to minimize property taxes and live in a modest, modern home on that homestead.
I imagine you like me encourage them to own their own business and advantage every tax break or work for the Feds, military…..
I don’t advise them to skim cash, do you ?
The Governor’s third option mentioned in the campus carry story of vetoing but signing an exec order giving power to the university presidents to decide on the issue is hilarious.
I don’t know you, but I bet you are a drone worker, who still vainly pursues the mythical capitalist carrot of ‘work harder get rich too!’ Mantra. You seem well trained to reject any aspect of social cooperation, preferring to slap punditry provided labels.
Son, you best bone up on “Basic Income” before you become a leech too. What are you going to do, sell apples on the corner out of blind ambition and pride? Then come to us about this ‘drivel’ of the future.
I should have quit reading after “I don’t know you…”, but congratulations Rick, you reeled me in to reading the rest of it. You must have some strong stuff in the bong this morning.
Ever read about how Ram Charan started by selling shoes in India? What’s so wrong with a story like that?
Aaaaaaahhhh! I’ve been waiting for a Trump staffer to RT Rep. Smith! Yeeeeeessss.
“How Much Should State Legislators Get Paid?”
Each should be paid based on what they are worth, if it just wasn’t for that minimum wage law……
Aw come on I know some of you were thinking it……
Goldman Sachs execs, govt insiders, have to be high fiving and dancing in the corridors tonight,
Chump change, tax deductible settlement in relation to their mortgage fraud profits and dodging criminal charges.