Good morning! 71 years ago today, President Franklin D. Roosevelt died while having his portrait painted at the Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia. The Little White House is well worth a visit, and nearby FDR State Park is one of Georgia’s gems.
Today’s Reads:
- Beverly Cleary is 100 years old! A few things:
- Rereading these books as an adult (and we’ve all read at least one of these books at some point, right?), it’s striking how independent and unsupervised the children in her books are, compared with contemporary children.
- Also, wow, reading these as an adult brought home how the Quimby family was on an economic precipice.
- My favorite Cleary character is Ellen Tebbits. Who is yours (either human or animal)?
- The Economist analyzes the American primary system.
- The Library of Congress will eliminate the term “illegal aliens” from their reference catalog.
- Oh, Trump Progeny: bless your hearts.
- Several Georgians are volunteering in Syrian refugee camps.
- Lobbyists in Georgia spent more than $500,000 in Q1.
- Don’t feel like trekking through Ocmulgee National Monument? Google is mapping the trails and now, all you need to experience the trails and historic earthworks is internet access.
- Meanwhile – take note, Georgia coast as well as anywhere that could be devastated by, say, a tornado, so, take note, all of Georgia! – the Atlantic Cities outlines why historic preservation needs to be considered when planning for disasters.
- College athletic departments now have 90 days to respond to open records requests. Sports!
- Stop – Hamiltime!: Is “Hamilton” historically accurate? (Mostly.) Does it gloss over slavery? (Eh, kind of, but not really, no.)