April 13, 2016 5:17 AM
Morning Reads With the Gift of Love
My birthday is on Friday and honestly, all I want is love. And you show your love by buying very expensive gifts.
- Airports Council International: Hartsfield still the busiest.
- Harvard students continue proud Yankee tradition of trying to…ahem… redesign Atlanta.
- On the phenomenon of the legislature’s shrinking lawyer corp.
- What do you call 25 lawyers up to their neck in wet cement? (Not enough cement).
- Insurance Commissioner to Allstate customers: you’re about to be in expensive hands.
- Some APS parents don’t like school turnaround plan.
- Does the
KingQueen of England still own land in Georgia? Well, yes, actually. Maybe sort of. - Financial Times on Dixie’s anti-gay backlash.
- Hawks revitalizing downtown is one of five priorities for the new owner of ATL’s shootyhoops club.
- November could be one of the most pivotal months for Atlanta’s transportation infrastructure.
- Fury vs Klitschko rematch set for July 9.
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The Daily Report article on the dearth of lawyers in the GA General Assembly fails to point out the hostility towards them there. Lawyers are always getting in the way of “good ideas” with all their silly concerns about constitutionality, clarity, and consistency. It’s so much easier without those concerns.
It would be a great campaign in November if there were signs at every decrepit sidewalk that is non-ADA compliant (and a danger to my ankles) that said “vote to fix me!”
Also, they need to use those pennies to enforce penalties against construction zones that just close sidewalks of busy roads with no warning or accommodation to people who get stranded walking. #itpproblems
Latest War on Women?? Springsteen the latest to punish NC. Let’s give up the privacy of 5,000,000 NC girls and women so that Bruce Jenner use the ladies room. Sounds like progress to me!
It’s from ‘Cracked” but it seems appropriate:
I absolutely identify with Bruce Springsteen and when entertaining my bar mates with an air guitar version of Born to Run their reaction was worse than yours on girls privacy with the other Bruce.
Got a solution for everyone, easy, if you can use a urinal, use the men’s room.
I dunno’. In my younger days I’ve been in a place or two that if a pointer dressed as a setter stepped up to the urinal next to most of the pointers in attendance then the jukebox may as well have been playing Merle’s Fighting Side of Me.
? Never knew a dude that got out a ladies room safely, as expected, but it was routine for women to come into the men’s room at a crowded Braves or Falcons game. No problem as long as they did not giggle.
What do you have against design charrettes? It’s not like Harvard was alone in this. Georgia Tech had a team in the finals. I know of 6 other urban design and architecture programs that had teams that submitted designs who did not make the final cut. It’s not like it will ever be built. It’s National Architecture Week (which is always the week of Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday), which is when most college level contests and design charrettes are normally concluded or announced.
Even if you count the per diem and use 8 hours for the 40 days a legislator makes roughly $75 per hour. Most lawyers are somewhat north of that figure. OTOH look at the business one can generate drafting half-assed legislation that is intended to generate more court cases a la RFRA.