April 16, 2016 11:10 AM
District Convention Open Thread
I’m At the 7th District convention in Buford. We’ve got 179 delegates here, with our credentials report just before 11 AM. We’ve got 19 candidates for 3 delegate and 3 alternate slots, and none have yet spoken.
What are you hearing at other conventions? Who are other conventions electing as delegates and alternates? Let us know in this OPEN THREAD.
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Eugene Yu and Congressman Rick Allen exchange verbal barbs. Allen accused Yu of not supporting his campaign. Yu, out of order, responded from the floor that it was untrue. A Yu campaign supporter accuses Allen of slander, out of order.
Debbie Dooley was nominated for one of the delegate slots in the 7th District by the Nominating Committee. a vote on the nominating committee slate failed. Taking nominations from the floor, David Hancock was nominated to oppose Dooley.
In a speech supporting her nomination, Debbie said she had been in touch with the Trump national organization, and said it would challenge the 7th district delegates should she not be elected.
She was defeated with a hand count. Hancock will go to Cleveland.
Debbie’s minions are seemingly always waiting offstage to wreak vengeance on her behalf. It’s a pretty day today though so Bubba and Earl have gone fishing.
Isn’t Hancock also a Tea Partier? Sounds like a choice between tea with sugar as opposed to tea with bitters.
Hancock runs the United Tea Party. But, he’s in it for the right reasons, so maybe your analogy is correct.
Republican Presidential Convention this year:
7th District Delegates
Rubio Delegate – BJ Van Gundy
Rubio Alternate – Buzz Brockway
Trump Delegate – Carolyn Fisher
Trump Alternate – Mary Adamski
Trump Delegate – David Hancock
Trump Alternate – Kathy Statham
Do the alternates still get to attend the convention?
Yes, they go. It’s customary for the delegates and alternates to switch out from time to time as the convention is over several days. I’m sure the delegates will want to make sure they’re the one on the floor during any potential second and subsequent ballot, but that’s often an agreement between a delegate, the alternate, and the state party chair or whomever coordinates the transfers to make sure that Georgia has the full voting strength on the floor at any given time.
Think you can convince Buzz to give us a post or two for old times sake? I will even take them in his beloved Storify format of tweets. Also since Rick is offering a polar opposite view from Philly it could be more contrast than snow on a coal pile.
11th District GOP:
Delegates: Bob Barr, Scott Johnson, and Brad Carver
Alternates: Rose Wing, Eric Johnson, and Senator Bruce Thompson
I need to keep up better. I figured Barr and the gop were pretty much done with each other.
Per Debbie McCord of Columbia County:
Congratulations to the 12th district delegates, Michael Welsh Columbia County, Brittany Dasher Effingham County, and Chris Papierz Coffee County. Alternates are Bob Finnegan Richmond County, Ronald Schwartz, and Ricardo Bravo from Columbia County!
Fourth district Democratic caucus, checking in.
The process went smoothly, as one might expect. Five Clinton delegates and one Sanders delegate will go to Philly on behalf of Hank Johnson’s district. All but about 20 of the 200 or so folks at the hall were Clinton supporters. I went to vote for Rita Robinzine as a Sanders voters, out of giggles.
Clinton’s folks chose Eric and Queen Washington, a husband-and-wife team; State Rep. Billy Mitchell, Melva Hicks, a party activist, and the 18-year-old grandson of DeKalb’s county chairwoman.
The process for Democrats is convoluted and weird, as befits our nature. The state convention will name more at-large delegates in a couple of weeks, and then they’ll all name elected official delegates. The process requires gender and racial balance … which probably wasn’t achieved here, since every delegate is black. We’ll see what the other congressional caucuses turn up.
9th Democratic Delegate convention checking in.
The 9th sends 2 delegates for Clinton and 2 for Sanders
Out of 54 supporters, Hilary drew “her close and personal friend” Wilson Golden, a 10 year veteran of the DNC, with Bobby Darrin Hair, and some nice Yankee lady, short but, you know…awl bidness like.
Most common reason for Hillary supporters was “vagina”. Good Lord….
Out of 63 supporters Sanders drew two local drug policy reform leaders, Melissa Clink of SSDP and yours truly, from Peachtree NORML’s board of directors.
In my remarks, I pointed out to pause and enjoy this moment; an island of sanity in a sea of madness. I also pointed out how we are not liberal voters, we are therapists and whippings posts for our neighbors. I stressed my political independence, but like Sanders I will caucus with the Dems on this go round.
I closed with “my goal is to flip as many superdelegates for Sanders as I can.”
Apparent agreements all around, based on the applause. I won unanimously, against zero competition (they used gender quotas and I was the only male qualified).
I got my air bnb 10 blocks from the Philly center where the DNC will play out last month.
Can I be the designated georgiapol.com blogger at the convention?
I was worried we wouldn’t have one. Do it. You have my envy.