Good morning! Today is the last day to register to vote in the Georgia general primary on May 24. If you’re reading this site, you’re probably already registered to vote – but who knows, maybe you’ve moved recently, or changed your name? If so, click that link, Princess Consuela Bananahammock!
- Georgia officials hope for good voter turnout from overseas military.
- Georgia Tech faculty members don’t want Governor Deal to sign the campus carry bill.
- …Neither does Michael Stipe.
- Unrelated: Mike Mills says there are no plans for a R.E.M. reunion.
- Vice explores PAWnsduhLEEon (oh, hey there, gentle readers, look who got a shoutout).
- Thomasville, Georgia’s official Rose City, is having a party. Click the link for a series of lovely vintage photos from 95 years of the Thomasville Rose Show & Festival.
- The rape kit bill becomes a law.
- Your children might not be as advanced – or as on-level – as you think they are (unless you’re among the 10% of parents who are grounded in reality).
- How not to let Donald Trump destroy your friendships (pro tip: make heavy use of Facebook’s “Hide” feature).
- “Schoolie McSchoolface.” Of course.
- Hamiltime! Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda visited John Oliver’s show to explain the current situation in Puerto Rico, and also offer to wear his Hamilton blouse to dance with Nancy Pelosi at Paul Ryan’s house – in exchange for their support of the plan to restructure Puerto Rico’s debt.