May 10, 2016 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Good morning! In the world of politics, there’s been a little bit of tension and maybe even an unkind word or two. For that reason, I’m going to start things off with Hamilton. One, listening to Hamilton has a knack for making one feel optimistic about our beautiful, great, glorious nation. And two, I submit Daveed Diggs, who plays the Marquis de Lafayette in Act I, and Thomas Jefferson in Act II. The man is joy personified – even his jumpsuit exudes joy. America already is great – and how lucky we are to be alive right now!
- A submarine is not a boat!
- Srsly, Trump has no idea what he’s talking about.
- Seattle is maybe not as enlightened as they think they are when it comes to their majority-female City Council.
- Bibb and Laurens County (oh btw he’s in Act I of Hamilton, too) are where kids have the greatest lead poisoning risk.
- Athens tackles infill housing with overlay districts.
- Atlanta’s blighted properties are handy corpse dumping grounds.
- Macon considers a $38+ million stadium project for a Class A baseball team.
- (Please, Macon, also consider resurrecting the “Macon Whoopee” name.)
- The little streetcar that could. Or maybe couldn’t, not sure, let’s spend $1 million to study on it.
- (I still have a soft spot for the Atlanta streetcar and really would love for it to succeed.)
- They thought they were Canadian but actually their parents were Russian spies.
Carry on with your day! It’s going to be great.
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Why are you picking on 4th graders, ACP?
Say it ain’t so!!
Ga. Supreme Court sends a case back to Fulton County Superior Court to rehear a lawsuit challenging the gun carry prohibition at Atlanta Botanical Garden.
Actually, a submarine is most definitely a boat.
I probably should have used “ship” instead of boat but “Shippy McShipface” doesn’t have quite the same ring (or relevance). Although I dare everyone reading this to stop what you’re doing and say “Shippy McShipface” out loud, three times, fast.
I know this is the common vernacular for referring to them, however the non-nautical me standing near an Ohio-class “boat” couldn’t help but think “ship”.
As I said, Trump will change the map in the rust belt. Not saying he will win, this is far from over.
………Buckle up for the next six months: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are effectively tied in the swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University survey released Tuesday……
But Trump went to a military boarding school. That is the same as serving in the military. So your analysis is flawed.
Of course I am not serious. Everything you said is true. I think Hillary could win this election from a jail cell.
I would bet other rust belt places like Michigan, Illinois, Iowa……might be in play. I agree the Latino issue, could be an issue in some places in the west, but heavy union places like Nevada, I think puts them in play for Trump. My only point is this will not be a slam dunk, and polls are already tightening. The latest NBC monkey poll has down to 5 points…..It is a statistical tie, if the 83% support from GOP voters moves to 90% the same level Hillary is at with her party. The traditional number at election time is about 90%, similar number Romney got last cycle. This what I heard on MSNBC today by their experts.
Yeah but can he continue to talk out of both sides of his mouth regarding economics?
Of all the things people could like about him, it is the economic angle that is most baffling to me. He doesn’t really have a plan, he doesn’t seem to understand how things work, almost everything he says he later contradicts, and none of it makes any sense anyway.
It was the guy Steve something that does polling statistics for NBC news…..Young guy glasses….
The poll in question was the PPP. It also showed that Trump was more popular then hemorrhoids but did poll as high as lice or having a root canal.
Guess we have run out of substantive issue complaints on Trump on here from both sides from hump trump (business was misspelled) to this. If he said the new mayor is an unwanted Muslim you would rejoice. Lead by example should be acceptable to anyone.
The GOP voters choice isn’t my first choice either but it looks like here, we’d rather have an amoral career political looting her way to her first billion while sprinkling a little around on the way.
Oh IDK I think that Trump’s whole plan debt plan to basically undermine the “full faith and credit of the US government” is kind of a BFD. You watch!
Now something worth our time, a real issue. Hyperinflation is nuts. So is building a bigger wall.
The good news is Trump is the rare person that won’t find crazier reasons to carry on with a bad idea to avoid being called inconsistent.
Using Fed money as a sword and more debt to run over every state is guaranteed by Hillary.