Most at Oglethorpe GOP Forum Support Donald Trump
Whether these numbers fairly represent the voters of northeast Georgia is open to discussion. What is interesting to note is the changing opinions of voters in Lexington and the surrounding area over time. Last August 15th, the Oglethorpe GOP held a straw poll at its annual pancake supper. The results:
Ted Cruz 29%
Donald Trump 13%
Jeb Bush 12%
Mike Huckabee 8%
Marco Rubio 8%
Scott Walker 8%
Undecided 6%
All Others 18%
By December, some candidates had left the race, and opinions began to firm up. At the Christmas in Oglethorpe celebration in mid-December, which included a wider group of people than GOP regulars, the results were:
Donald Trump 42.9%
Ted Cruz 10.0%
Ben Carson 9.6%
Marco Rubio 4.6%
Mike Huckabee 2.3%
All Others 6.4%
Undecided: 23.7%
Like many in Georgia and throughout the country, some voters in Oglethorpe County are not completely sold on a Donald Trump presidency. Let’s see if their opinions change by the time of this summer’s pancake supper.
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Rick Perry
July 2015: “Let no one be mistaken – Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded.”
May 2016: “He is one of the most talented people who has ever run for … president I have ever seen.” […]
Mitch McConnell
February 2016: “[If Trump wins the nomination,] we’ll drop him like a hot rock.”
May 2016: “[Trump has] the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals.”
It would be funny that the GOP electorate is embracing Trump, a leading birther leader who is unable to produce a tax return, if it weren’t for the fact it’s an indication so many Americans are imbeciles.