June 3, 2016 6:30 AM
Morning Reads for Friday, June 3, 2016
- Well-deserved reward. Rep. Wendell Willard (R-Sandy Springs) to retire after next finishing next term.
- Hail, Canada!
- Remember when this was just a prank?
- Oh, the traffic! But props for a facility ITP.
- No salt for you!
- Who is this Andrew Hanen?
- Add Cory Booker’s name to the rumor list.
- Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire.
- Whatevz.
- Well, of course he did.
- Loverly. But did the ancient writings foretell if anyone survives this week’s GAGOP Convention?
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Hawks get a new training facility. Why? Perineal losers just need to be sold and go away.
LMAO! I checked it, Drew! I think I still like the word I used when describing the Hawks!!! Of all those you listed, most have been champions or at least played for the title. They can stay.
At least we won’t have to drive so far to mock them, which was kind of my point.
And Andrew Pope beat me to the other. But what a funny!
Yeah, i know! I look up the word and I’m seeing this cut-away of a man’s privates and my thought is still, “yep, that’s the Hawks!!! Good funny start to a Friday!
David Frum illustrates how Trump has dismantled the critical norms in American politics.
Recorded and watched all of the remake of Roots. Updated by abandoning some balance and going to lengths to portray most whites (rebels or yanks) as evil and untrustworthy and most black men as dedicated family men, even got in a few Muslims good, Christians bad shots. Any not able to process this 8 hours of racial hate – mainly the young – will see the world with strong emotions. Snoop Dog called this one right.
Maybe birth of a nation is more your speed.
Maybe the AJC comments section is more of your’s. Trolling with race bait appears to have become the norm there. I have not seen this presentation as to its accuracy but Salty’s quick review is based upon his informed opinion. Have you seen it? Are you just kicking in with innuendo to his character by jerking your knee? Yanno’ the “history” presented on the History Channel has been, shall we say, rife with errors and the last time I had cable had very little to do with history. Even the movie Selma which was presented as history and had busloads of schoolkids taken to it to view it as such was allowed deviations and exaggerations to meet the Director’s admitted prejudices. I realize this is done all the time for dramatic or artistic reasons but if you color with only two crayons don’t expect your art to be considered realistic, or considered historic.
History is seldom black and white. For example the Christian/Muslim issues Salty brought up: There were 13MM africans brought across the Atlantic, roughly 400,000 made it to North America. The Arabic Muslims took perhaps 20MM slaves to their own lands. A factor in many black Africans converting to Islam is that the Quran forbids taking other Muslims as slaves. Is slavery reprehensible? Of course. Was the American South way too late and had to be forced to reject it? Of course. Has slavery been around since humans first became sentient and by comparison did a very small percentage happen in the US, both North and South? Of course.
I apologize for the rant but if we don’t address extremism regardless of what may be considered politically correct at the time then the other side’s extremists feel they have been given their justification. As to skin pigment I wish more people would do some reading on the human genome.
Human genome? But that’s science, Will.
Will, good rant. Extremism/fundamentalism drives mob psychology that deindividualizes people.
I perfer the “Story of Civilization”
Don’t you love the actions of anti-Trump rent-a-mobs? People and cops hurt. Meanwhile his support galvanizes and new voters join his cause by the day. For stuff like this to be happening, the Dems have to be crapping in their pants thinking of him really winning. Meanwhile take a gander at the protesting debris in action.
Everyone should be crapping their pants at the thought of him winning.
Any comments on the abusive actions of the protestors, B?
He cannot win. And will not win. He should be leading in every poll right now becasue Hillary is doing so poorly locking down the dem nomination. Once the democrat convention is over Hillary is going to run away with this thing. People don’t like it, but it takes a political machine to win a national election. Hillary has that machine. Trump has a twitter account.