Morning Reads–The Reunion Edition

The world is still celebrating from ABBA’s first public performance in 30 years.

“Does Your Mother Know” is their greatest song.

  1. When they ask: What is whiteness? Show them that video. Perhaps whiteness’ Platonic form.
  2. Why the 1980 Bulldogs might be the most undeserving national champions ever. 
  3. You’re really trying to make friends today, aren’t you?
  4. The case for Universal Basic Income from a scholar with the American Enterprise Institute(!). 
  5. “As of 2014, the annual cost of a UBI would have been about $200 billion cheaper than the current system. By 2020, it would be nearly a trillion dollars cheaper.”
  6. Georgia saw a 40% increase in the number of hate groups in our fair state. 
  7. Hey, at least the hate was no discrimination in who we’ll hate; KKK/Neo-Nazis and Black Nationalist groups took root here.
  8. And Atlanta is highlighted for its failure to report hate crimes! 
  9. David Perdue wants Trump to apologize for his judge comments. 
  10. Man. The GOP. Just… I’m sort-of sorry you guys wrought this upon yourself.
  11. Graphic novel trilogy on John Lewis is finished. 
  12. Lewis is set to receive National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal. 
  13. Criminal Records set to expand. 
  14. Just a few years ago they were in danger of closing!
  15. Atlanta couple make city proud on front page of New York Post
  16. Ugh.

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