June 8, 2016 6:44 AM
Morning Reads–The Reunion Edition
The world is still celebrating from ABBA’s first public performance in 30 years.
“Does Your Mother Know” is their greatest song.
- When they ask: What is whiteness? Show them that video. Perhaps whiteness’ Platonic form.
- Why the 1980 Bulldogs might be the most undeserving national champions ever.
- You’re really trying to make friends today, aren’t you?
- The case for Universal Basic Income from a scholar with the American Enterprise Institute(!).
- “As of 2014, the annual cost of a UBI would have been about $200 billion cheaper than the current system. By 2020, it would be nearly a trillion dollars cheaper.”
- Georgia saw a 40% increase in the number of hate groups in our fair state.
- Hey, at least the hate was no discrimination in who we’ll hate; KKK/Neo-Nazis and Black Nationalist groups took root here.
- And Atlanta is highlighted for its failure to report hate crimes!
- David Perdue wants Trump to apologize for his judge comments.
- Man. The GOP. Just… I’m sort-of sorry you guys wrought this upon yourself.
- Graphic novel trilogy on John Lewis is finished.
- Lewis is set to receive National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal.
- Criminal Records set to expand.
- Just a few years ago they were in danger of closing!
- Atlanta couple make city proud on front page of New York Post.
- Ugh.
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Yo Ed.
So today is to be a day of antagonism and trollery. We can maybe call it Trump Day.
For 1980 Georgia, all I can say is ’12-0′.
For ABBA, I don’t get the point in sneering at pop groups. For one thing, it’s too easy. To be popular is almost always to be bland and forgettable even if you listen to them, so don’t listen. At least ABBA’s songs were catchy and well-crafted. I grant you the group was very white.
Here’s one back at you: where’s your usual link to semi-unlistenable but hipster-approved bands whose offerings would be muddled and juvenile if played by experts, which they aren’t, and who will be forgotten in three months because the idea of getting kids up to dance never entered their minds?
FWIW I have a certain level of respect and appreciation for ABBA–I’m not throwing shade on them per se.
And I’ll admit most indie rock is bad and will be forgotten–including a lot of the music I like. It comes to if you prefer the aesthetic choices the artist made (assuming much of the pop music came about from conscious artistic choices) of indie music vs. pop music and I think it is quite clear where I stand.
I’m being no more of a jerk than any other day that ends in “ay”.
Yeah, those days ending in ‘ay’ usually find me pretty snippy too. No harm in either direction this morning, I hope.
We’re probably not that far apart in our views on music. Certainly most of pop today is crap and the best thing you can say about it is it’s indistinguishable from other pop crap. But it upsets me when people then swerve to overpraise indie or jazz or folk or any other kind of music simply because it’s non-commercial. ‘Crap is no respecter of genres’ would be on my coat of arms if I had one.
Also, w/r/t the 12-0 comment, I think it’s worth mentioning that that UGA team was not very good (as the article points out it was the third best Walker-led team) and there were other teams that played better and statistically were much stronger than UGA.
The best analogy is 2014 FSU. Sure they finished the season undefeated but no one would say they were particularly good because they underperformed at an absurd level.
Georgia football has a very mediocre reputation yet a lot of their fans think they are some SEC power.
ABBA’s whiteness? And that point being brought up is relevant, why? Not too many black folks in Sweden. Agree with X this am…troll post.
Trump isnt going to engage his brain before speaking and is on track to get blown out by someone that will complete America’s sharp left turn and Federal control for generations via a Supreme Court, legislation and edicts.
Perdue and Isakson were the adults in the room, if the Don was listening.
I find it quite funny that the only member of congress to lose their primary so far this year was the only member of congress endorsed by Trump.
UBI is an interesting idea but considering all our current welfare/social programs a UBI would actually result in less income for some individuals. The article also correctly notes that private charity/assistance drops when government steps in. The Swiss recently rejected a UBI in a referendum vote.
UBI, the amount, citizenship and age provision would crumble faster than an Oreo in milk. The scenery changes so fast we can’t even define poverty or workforce or taxable income much less administer and enforce.
The tombstone readings will continue.
Yes, it would require big changes to our tax system, strict regulation/enforcement of immigration laws and cost of living increases but it’s preferable to the mess we got now. Ideally we would not need or have any taxpayer funded social programs but of course that will never happen.
I admire the conviction of your paranoid alarmism.
That wouldn’t describe my attitude. The last time someone said that to me it was right after I said “leave it alone, it looks great but it is a wild creature”………
I feel only sadness that the right, wounded by their extremists, might not overcome such a disgraceful opposition. The challenge for our future is to educate those we care for to maneuver the many obstacles that will thwart their efforts as individuals in the pursuit of happiness. Their option is to be the ones that produce the virtual reality helmets to make others identify as happy.
Pass the Soylent Green munchies, toke and replace helmet.
Correction: “Dancing Queen” is their greatest song.
Four killed in Tel Aviv. Don’t you love the Religion of Peace? Can we pleasssseeeeee bring more unscreened members here?!