The world is still celebrating from ABBA’s first public performance in 30 years.
“Does Your Mother Know” is their greatest song.
- When they ask: What is whiteness? Show them that video. Perhaps whiteness’ Platonic form.
- Why the 1980 Bulldogs might be the most undeserving national champions ever.
- You’re really trying to make friends today, aren’t you?
- The case for Universal Basic Income from a scholar with the American Enterprise Institute(!).
- “As of 2014, the annual cost of a UBI would have been about $200 billion cheaper than the current system. By 2020, it would be nearly a trillion dollars cheaper.”
- Georgia saw a 40% increase in the number of hate groups in our fair state.
- Hey, at least the hate was no discrimination in who we’ll hate; KKK/Neo-Nazis and Black Nationalist groups took root here.
- And Atlanta is highlighted for its failure to report hate crimes!
- David Perdue wants Trump to apologize for his judge comments.
- Man. The GOP. Just… I’m sort-of sorry you guys wrought this upon yourself.
- Graphic novel trilogy on John Lewis is finished.
- Lewis is set to receive National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal.
- Criminal Records set to expand.
- Just a few years ago they were in danger of closing!
- Atlanta couple make city proud on front page of New York Post.
- Ugh.