June 21, 2016 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 21
It’s summer! I hope you have air conditioning. Every June, some northern friend of mine will post something on social media about how they don’t need air conditioning where they live, because just open a window and everything is so lovely, and I think, “Oh, honey. Bless your heart, you have no idea.”
- In Mexico, six civilians died in clashes between teachers and the police.
- A fascinating conversation between Cecile Richards and Barbara Bush.
- NRA VP Wayne LaPierre doesn’t think that guns and alcohol are a safe mix.
- In fact, NRA lobbyist Chris Cox went so far as to say that the idea of carrying a gun while drinking in a nightclub “defies common sense.”
- Which is so weird, because when HB 60 passed in 2014, making it legal in Georgia to carry a gun in bars (and churches, and public buildings, supermarkets, and many other places – there’s a reason it earned the “Guns Everywhere Bill” nickname), the NRA really wasn’t all that concerned about any risks from carrying a firearm while at a bar. What softened the NRA’s stance?
- In fact, NRA lobbyist Chris Cox went so far as to say that the idea of carrying a gun while drinking in a nightclub “defies common sense.”
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Ummm, shall we call this Girl’s Gone Wild?
Only if you omit that unnecessary apostrophe.
No, the apostrophe is absolutely necessary ’cause it refers only to her. LOL!
Does it not show possession? Ok, how ’bout This Girl’s Gone Wild?!! LOL!
You missed your calling, Drew. Should have been a School Marm! Argue punctuation all you want, Bud. Your candidate continues to be revealed as a really vulgar cretin.
Well, if Breitbart.com says so, it must be true.
Breitbart just reported it, Teri, The SS UD officer is the one saying it. You and Drew keep circling those wagons! LOL! You want some Dramamine? Quick question: Does having the most revered commentator of his time, William Safire, call Hillary “A Congenital Liar” make you proud? What a standard bearer!!!
Not sure “report” is the right word. They are repeating something written in a book by someone who says the story was told to him by someone else.
I see that he also claims she gave Bill a black eye, and that Bill had an affair with Eleanor Mondale.
Is this even a non-fiction book?
Looks like someone got his education at Trump University.
good grief it’s not possessive, it’s a contraction “this girl (ha)s gone wild”..this girl’s gone wild
just like”it’s” in my sentence equals it is—not belonging to it….
I’ll accept “This Girl’s Gone Wild.” The original comment remains incorrect.
If he were able to edit the comment, it might be a contraction redaction.
Can we start a fight over the Oxford comma next?
There is no fight. It is only right.
I know some English teachers you can explain that theory to…
Can we fight over poor to non-existent journalism regardless of the punctuation. As Benevolus points out it is hearsay about hearsay.
Let me say for the record that this guy is a reptile. My post this am was just to make a humorous play on words about what he said about Hilly. The stuff he has said is salacious and meant to titillate. May or may not be true. The lamp throwing allegation and rude behavior toward the agents has been around for decades. I heard the Mondale thing literally thirty years ago but it wasn’t with Slick Willy. Like the Ronald Kessler book of 2008 that had similar stuff, a member of the SS whether agent or UD Officer, needs to keep their trap shut to the public forever. Talking to agent colleagues over the last several days has them all mortified. Remember Kessler’s “Energizer Bunny” reference? Good Lord, guys! Shut the hell up!!!
I think you lost a line and got the numbers mixed up. Here’s what’s being reported from the financial reports:
Cash on hand:
Trump: $1.3 million
Clinton: $42.4 million
The article did not say if Taylor also had his license suspended for mandatory minimum 120 days.
I know the majority on here are quick to praise the privatization of almost all government functions but if prosecutors want to really exercise their RICO muscles then they should jump on the private misdemeanor probation biz. If their practices don’t qualify as racketeering then nothing does. Richmond County and Judge Richard Slaby are to be commended.