Atlanta Young Republicans Hosting Panel on Donald Trump Tonight
Are you a Republican who is concerned about the impact that Donald Trump is having on the GOP brand? If so, then stop by the 5 Seasons Westside at 7PM tonight for an event hosted by the Atlanta Young Republicans. A panel will discuss the following questions:
Will Trump reinvigorate the Republican Party, or will he destroy it?
Can you be a Republican and not support Trump?
How has media attention fueled his success in the primary, and will it help or hurt him in November?
Here are the distinguished panelists:
Bruce LeVell is the executive director of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. He has served in a variety of positions within the Republican Party, most notably as chairman of the Gwinnett County GOP (May 2010 to November 2012), where he led one of the largest county parties in Georgia to play a critical role in the election of Governor Nathan Deal and in delivering the state to the Romney/Ryan ticket.
Linda Beggs is a professional facilitator focused on helping organizations and individuals work better together to produce results. Her clients include the Southern Company, Lockheed Martin, and WellStar. She also trains the Georgia Young Republicans on effective communication strategies. In addition to working on local campaigns, she is a former president of Cobb County Republican Women and co-chair of Women for Newt.
Kyle Wingfield is the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s conservative opinion columnist. He joined the AJC in 2009 after living in Brussels for four-and-a-half years, where he wrote editorials for the Wall Street Journal on topics such as international trade, antitrust cases, the telecommunications and aerospace industries, energy and environmental policy, British politics, and Russia. Kyle is a 2001 graduate of the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, and the recipient of the college’s John E. Drewry Young Alumnus Award.
And here are the event details:
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
7:00 p.m. Social
7:30 p.m. Program
5 Seasons Westside (upstairs)
1000 Marietta Street, NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30318
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We are desperate to find some Republican principles in Tsar Trump to keep the Queen of the Tammany Society from expanding her criminal enterprise. It’s looking more like a gang war is coming and the victors aren’t going to play nice.
I’ll be frank: why should the victors play nice?
We’ve gone through four years of government shutdowns, budget crises, threats to default on the national debt, unprecedented personal invective and utter dysfunction driven largely by Republican intransigence. Republicans effectively rewarded all of that with the Trump nomination … with Cruz(!!) as the last man left standing other than him.
Clinton, whatever else she is, knows how to cut throats politically. Republicans deserve what’s coming.
It is a game of “faith”. Neither party gets it but cut throat vengeance or a Tammany Society or even a Bolivarian Revolution is a bad long term solution.
We both lose in a gang war
“unprecedented personal invective” The things Democrats said about W. were just as bad as anything Repubs have done…until Trump, you’ll get no argument from me on anything about him.
The whole meme around Republican intransigence was also preceded by the intransigence of a Democrat Senate and Harry Reid. Practically half the stuff blamed on Republicans now is still the result of Reid not allowing things on the floor through parliamentary procedure.
I agree with you on a lot of what you’re saying. Cruz and his cohorts used irresponsible tactics and rhetoric and drove the attitude that has eventually resulted in Trump. I just take issue with the idea that Dems were somehow pure as the driven snow here and it’s all the GOP’s fault.
As Jon Richards pointed out on Twitter earlier during the gun sit-in over a bill that the Senate already rejected, “Populism has taken over both parties. Neither side is pure.”
How about “Can you be a Republican and
notsupport Trump?”I strongly urge anyone attending to leave all cash, checkbooks and credit cards at home.
Correct, because Trump is not promising most a piece of the action like Hillary. That is tough on fundraising.
This event should have occurred six months ago.