June 22, 2016 6:18 AM
Morning Reads for The King
Can anyone logically say LeBron is not GOAT? No. No they cannot.
“Accidents Will Happen” by Elvis Costello & The Attractions a late Father’s Day tribute.
- Temperatures are rising too fast for new crop varieties to be developed.
- Savannah family denied justice as DoJ closes two-and-a-half year investigation into shady-as-all-get-out HS gym mat death.
- Latino voter registration up 20%, Asian voter registration up 16%, both remain well below their percentage of the population.
- Jimmy: World at “Turning Point”, Must Commit to Peace.
- Atlanta’s got an Upper West Side? WE BASICALLY NEW YORK CITY NOW!!!!
- Unfortunately.
- Atlanta’s Mazurt brewery one of nine national nano brews to watch as they grow up.
- Shaq serves as undercover Lyft driver in Atlanta.
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LeBron is a GOAT? Is that anything like a RINO?
the byline is sav’h, but the the kid that died and his family are from valdosta…
I knew it was in Valdosta, too. I’m sorry there’s no way that was an accident.
State medical examiner, local sheriffs department and feds found no evidence of a criminal act.
A healthy kid just ends up in a rolled up gym mat in a packed high school gym?
And what is your evidence of criminal activity? The kid’s family already dropped their civil suit.
Which could be because they are flat out of money. I have no evidence. I just know that none of that gibes with common sense or, you know, how things would actually transpire in an accidental situation.
And some folks believe 9 11 was a Bush/Cheney conspiracy and Elvis is alive and living in Villa Rica, Ga.
Being “flat out of money” likely describes the defendants rather than the plaintiffs.
Read Torpy’s column.
and no lebron has not surpassed jordan yet, and possibly never will…
No one will ever surpass Jordan.
C’mon, guys! You know neither will ever compare to that favorite alien from Lovetron, Darryl “Chocolate Thunder” Dawkins!
Andrew is incorrect. Larry Bird is #2.
“We don’t know anything about Hillary in terms of religion,” said Trump to a group of top evangelical Christian bigots…er leaders (list below) at a NYC gathering yesterday. But hey, Trump reads the Bible more than anyone else. He said so himself.
Trump seeking LGBT support by casting Islam as anti-gay, then meeting days later with the bunch below to seek their support, indicates Trump thinks LGBT people are as dumb as the Evangelicals at the gathering.
James Dobson, founder of both Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council.
Tony Perkins, who turned Dobson’s Family Research Council into a certified anti-gay hate group.
Tim Wildmon, head of the anti-gay American Family Association
Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America
Pat Robertson, televangelist who blamed 9/11 on gay people.
Ralph Reed, who headed Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition, and now runs the Faith & Freedom Coalition.
Gary Bauer, American Values president, who before then counseled Reagan at the height of the AIDS epidemic that Reagan should have nothing to do gays.
maybe his slogan could be, “we don’t really like gays either, but not to the point of like shooting them or anything”…
Not to mention that Secretary Clinton is a lifelong member of the United Methodist Church.
Hey, if evangelicals like Ralph Reed valued their credibility, Bwahahaha!, (sorry, couldn’t hold that one in), they would just sit this one out. I still find it hard to believe that the Creator of the Universe chooses sides in sports or politics.
The investigation into the death of the Valdosta teen went on too long. State and local investigations said the death was accidental yet the federal investigation and the civil case continued. Legal fees for defendants family are over $200,000.
Easy to say at the tail end.
Has anyone actually surpassed Oscar Roberson? He averaged a triple-double for an entire season! The most complete player ever!
The mobs are lining up behind either Clinton, Queen of the Tammany Society or a dear leader, Tsar Trump. Organized crime or disorganized whims. Crime pays better.
I preferred Meadowlark Lemon. Only a cursory nod was given to his act being a sport unlike the typical chosen one in the NBA who was/is also allowed to ignore the rules. But, even if only a show it took mad skills to drain those shots every night.
Here is a thought provoking story in this month’s Outside Mag.
When catastrophe strikes leagues of charities and worldwide pledges of billions results in pennies on the dollar getting to those in need, particularly when their government is “there to help”. Fade to black.
Another deadly 5 person fatal accident on I-16 between 280 and I-95 this morning. While every one figures out what to do and how to pay for it, traffic increases, and median barriers are left on hold.
My heart always beats really fast when I hear of these accidents (which is happening more frequently). I am so afraid for my family and friends down that way.