Good morning! It’s too darn hot.
- New laws about to hit the books here in Georgia address tasers, experimental medical treatments, and the super-sized SCOGA.
- Please don’t tell my children that a Great Wolf Lodge is coming to LaGrange.
- Seventeen refugees now call Savannah home.
- Georgia Tech is expanding their presence at the Lockheed Martin campus in Cobb County.
- Ampersand, a new artist-run space in downtown Macon, opened this weekend.
- The Panama Canal expansion opened this weekend!
- New York is not ready for the new, post-Panamax ships.
- South Carolina is getting there.
- Georgia Ports Authority chairman Jimmy Allgood was there, and Governor Deal called yesterday’s opening a “historic moment” for Georgia.
- Ah, representative democracy. #Brexit
- Maybe, one day, Britain will once again have a bond rating that’s as good as Georgia’s rating.
- 911 is complicated.
- The Library of Congress compiled a list of the 65 most influential American books. How many have you read? (It’s an interesting and broad list; I’ve read 39 so I’d best get cracking.)
- Alexander Hamilton said – and wrote – countless profound and intelligent things, not including, “This is not a moment this is the movement. Foes oppose us we take an honest stand. We roll like Moses claiming our promised land.” It would be awesome if he had. Meanwhile, I’m reminded of this, and remain optimistic that more aspiring politicians will continue to misquote
Lin-Manuel MirandaHamilton.