June 29, 2016 8:41 AM
Morning Reads Filled with Maladies
Sometimes you forget your MoRning obligations. Sometimes you also forget your laptop at home on the same day. Sometimes you just aren’t going to win the day.
“It’s an Uphill Climb to the Bottom” by Walter Jackson seems apt.
- WABE sweeps Georgia Associated Press Awards, WRAS gets 0 (zero).
- But hey, good thing you killed a great radio station President Becker!
- Phil Steele, the most accurate college football prognosticator in the land, ranks GSU well ahead of UGA.
- No that’s not a misleading description at all.
- Jimmy and Rosalynn mark 70 years of loyal matrimonial bliss.
- NY Times on how John Lewis using tactics honed in civil rights battles are being employed in gun control fight.
- WaPo on Atlanta’s congressman and his quest for an African-American museum.
- GA DOT buys a ticket for the streetcar, hops on the painful metaphor train.
- Almost every water system in Georgia reported that they exceeded lead and copper levels. Oh, and nationwide the EPA has done essentially nothing about the violations.
- Transit-oriented development is kind of key to sustaining, managing, Atlanta’s growth.
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Trump continues to say one thing about Muslims entering the country one day, and another the next. One of the things about Trump that is hilarious, were it not for the scary possibility of President Trump, is the notion that Trump will surround himself with good advisors that will give it to him straight.
Remember this: “HIs physical strength and stamina are extraordinary …His cardiovascular status is excellent … If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” Jacob Bornstein, Trump’s personal physician, 04 Dec 2015.
Good information delievered straight. Trump of course has extraordinary strength and stamina and is unequivocally fitter than Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, and Gerald Ford, the three fittest Presidents accordingly to Men’s Health magazine (http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/fittest-american-presidents). Besides, Ford was a loser that wasn’t elected to the Presidency anyway
Is Trump right are we already in a trade war with China?
………In a “Squawk Box” interview, Chang said tariffs on Chinese exports to the U.S. might have to be on the table. “All choices are really bad.”
“China is [also] stealing intellectual property from the United States,” he said, pointing to the 2013 IP Commission Report. “The dimension of that is somewhere maybe $200 billion to $300 billion a year. That is a war in a sense.”………
Re: WABE…I’m pretty sure any visit to the 7th circle of hell will be narrated by Lois Reitzes. The battle of the NPR stations goes to WRAS in my book. And you can still pretend to be a hipster late in the evening, after the adults have gone to bed, with their college programming.
Was not in favor of GPB takeover of WRAS but twice-weekly “Political Rewind” is one of the few programs that covers local/state politics and is a pretty good show.
Also former crematory operator Ray Brent Marsh recently released from prison after serving entire twelve year sentence. He had a good prison record and should have been released early.
You could say Ray Brent really got… buried.
Interesting…Don’t count yalls chickens just yet!
http://www.qu.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2363oll too close to call?
You honestly think that Trump will get 33% of the Hispanic vote? I think this was an oulier poll and that Hillary is anywhere from 5-8 points ahead.
Was anyone else struck by the Captain Obvious nature of that NYT piece on Lewis and the guns sit-in? Did they really use sit-ins during the Civil Rights era? I had no idea…
John Lewis is still living in that era. To talk about a district that could really use some new blood.
“The updated chart uses 20% of the experience grade from the old chart, 20% from the % of lettermen returning, 20% from the percent of tackles returning, 20% from the percent of yards returning and 20% from the career starts of the offensive line.”
Does that guy get paid to come up with stuff like this? Who even has time to do that much math to make what is so obviously an irrelevant point. Wait, what was the point?
Well the point is to find the most detailed level-by-level analysis of each team and he does it very well. His team just does that full time and he admits it is an absurd amount of work.
Baseball should be envious of the NFL’s free farm system. They even get individual fat cats to pay their salaries. The Braves will pay $4 million to their draft pick for a 10 to 1 shot that he will be in the show 5 or 6 years from now.
Unless there were a significant third party showing this fall, I’d be hard-pressed to believe Hillary Clinton polling in only the low 40s in polls—I mean, basically the same level as Walter Mondale in his 49-state loss to Reagan in 1984? Not even matching the 48% showing of John Kerry in 2004, when the demographics were less favorable for the Democrats? Could nearly 20% of the electorate really be undecided at this point? That I find hard to believe as well, though I guess one explanation is that both candidates are so disliked, there are some voters who don’t know whether to vote for either, or go Libertarian or Green Party candidate, or simply stay home. The last Democratic presidential candidate to get less than 48% of the popular vote was Bill Clinton back in 1992—who got just 43%—but that was the year Perot got 19% of the vote, a third party figure we are not likely to see this fall.
“that was the year Perot got 19% of the vote, a third party figure we are not likely to see this fall.”
I’m not so sure about that. I wouldn’t put any money on it at this point but Gary Johnson getting 20% is not out of the realm of possibility.
I would say if there has ever been a year where a third party gets 20% it would be this year.
But Perot in 1992 had money—gobs of it—to make his case; money on the other hand will be harder to come by for Gary Johnson and (Green Party) Jill Stein. The other third-party candidate to break double-digit percentages since World War 2, George Wallace—well, he was already pretty well known from his years of opposing desegregation as governor of Alabama. He took just over 13% of the vote and won 5 southern states (Georgia being the largest state he carried). I think voters are reluctant to cast ballots in a presidential race for a candidate they know little or no about—of course money is often a problem for third-party candidates—they are viewed as not viable because they can’t raise sufficient money, but then can’t raise the money to become viable precisely because they are not viewed as viable. No Libertarian candidate for president has ever reached the 2 percent mark—Johnson last time got just 1%.
Screw the popular vote. In an attempt to reverse past assumptions Johnson should campaign in California to convince the 6 million or so voting Republicans that their vote for Trump would be a wasted vote. Get a few of the Sanders supporters that would likely be showing up to vote for recreational weed and voila; 55 Electoral College votes.
Have to think the ‘Cheeto Jesus’ endorsements are all over after this.
AG Lynch meeting privately with Slick Willy?
Unreal conflict of interest. Special prosecutor now!