July 6, 2016 8:19 AM
Everyone’s Favorite Morning Reads
The Tour de France’s flat stages are over, and zero riders have abandoned the race. Oh, it’s on.
“Mungo’s Hi Fi – Scrub-a-Dub Style (ft. Sugar Minott)” Prince Fatty Mix.
- Emory plans “Vigil for Dhaka” for two students who died in Dhaka terror attack.
- FBI: Hillary didn’t break the law but she showed god-level terrible judgement.
- GOP: Hillary broke the law!
- Dems: See, she did nothing wrong!
- Congrats–you’re both idiots!
- Only the most partisan of hacks can still believe the Iraq war was anything other than an unmitigated disaster for two countries.
- Clarkston decriminalizes pot, approves a half-day voting holiday, other stuff.
- Remember how Shirley Franklin said she wanted to be remembered as the “sewer mayor”? Well, uh, she might want to re-evaluate what her sewer plan hath wrought.
- Downtown’s development will get screwed over by a parking lot. A parking lot that is unnecessary, exacerbates existing woes for Downtown and was at one point so important the city and state exchanged a golf course for it. Oh well!
- Hartsfield named world’s most efficient airport–for the 13th year in a row! (Seriously other airports, are you even trying?)
- The Pride of Macon (Nancy Grace) is leaving Headline News.
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You need to get out beyond the ATL metro more often Ed. Might I recommend a better ‘Pride of Macon’ (yes I know you were being sarcastic…) the Bragg brothers; plus time out side of the loop, listen to music, and supporting a nature trail – all at the same time!
That ajc article on lead in the APS water may have been a bit premature:
“Of the 750 water sources (such as sinks and water fountains) sampled thus far, 23 showed elevated levels of lead. None of them will be in service again until after a retest clears the source or corrective actions have been implemented to address the elevated levels.
The good news is that after retesting, six of the initial 23 sources showing elevated levels have already been cleared. The remaining 17 are awaiting retesting results or facility upgrades such as replacing of faucets or other plumbing fixtures.”
So it sounds like the lead isn’t coming from the source anyway- it’s localized at the facilities.
I was looking up info about “The Week” magazine and found this:
“Edited by Ben Frumin, the daily website … publishes original commentary from writers including David Frum, Robert Shrum, Will Wilkinson, Daniel Larison, and Brad DeLong. The UK website, which was first published under the name The First Post, is edited by Holden Frith.”
Frum, Shrum, Frumin, and Frith. Sounds like a law firm from the Three Stooges.