July 8, 2016 6:42 AM
Morning Reads for Friday, July 8, 2016
- Another fiscal year, another bushel of new laws.
- Hear that buzzing in your ear? Run away! Run away!
- Ouch!
- Let them eat cake. Or something.
- What golf course did this happen on?
- Please, make it stop!
- Everybody’s office party.
- Now everybody thinks they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
- Winter is coming. (After all, it is the Post.)
- Juno – in Legos!
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Dallas, snipers at BLM demonstration – 11 cops shot, 5 dead, the objective is not to punish the rogues but to continue widespread assault on the institution of police protection.
Yes, BLM, the group that calls for violence against police officers got what they wanted.
Or not.
The MLK types are considered old white haired black guys by the BLM. Suspect the majority of those dressed in blue are very disturbed about the video of the La shooting.
Or yes…
I personally thought the looting was a nice, though predictable, touch.
A few are speaking their mind. Others presumably are supporters.
“Senator Sasse will not be attending the convention and will instead take his kids to watch some dumpster fires across the state, all of which enjoy more popularity than the current front-runners.” Spokesman for Nebraska Senator Sasse, after Trump’s private visit with Senators
I guess other senators from more advanced states where dumpster fires are under control have decided to attend – http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/286753-majority-of-gop-senators-to-attend-trump-convention
It’s no 2. Watching wheat grow is always no 1.
Police killed Dallas shooter with bomb attached to robot. Very creative. Gotta love it! Shoot almost half a dozen; kill 5, then Robocop comes after you!