July 19, 2016 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 19
Good morning! Well, last night at the RNC was… something.
- NPR’s Bob Mondello has some recommendations for those who are looking for a viewing alternative to the convention.
- “One thing you learn from movies featuring political conventions: Angela Lansbury should not be allowed anywhere near them.”
- Trump’s ghostwriter contends that if you want to elect the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal, you need to vote for Tony Schwartz.
- The Economist imagines Trump’s first 100 days.
- And then they examine the “dissonance between gloomy rhetoric and recent performance.” Facts are friendly.
- Chris Christie’s terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week.
- (A friend of mine read that lede and said, “That had to have been written by a woman.”)
- (Alexander is found here, too.)
- A team of scientists examines how the Appalachian Trail is a victim of its own success.
- Georgia is less red than in the past in part because of suburban African-Americans in metro Atlanta. At least, according to the New Georgia Project.
- MARTA tests out a double-decker bus.
- Charges dropped against Fannin Focus publisher and his attorney.
- Meet the new executive director of the Georgia Ports Authority.
- Decluttering and simplicity is different when you’re poor.
- Speaking of Alexander – this one hit hard.
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That was something last night in Cleveland. Between grieving mothers and Chachi there was pretty much nothing else but a wall of pure anger. Then the entrance by the man himself; what an awesome display of ego that was.
Found this and it pretty much sums up for me: ” I didn’t hear any specific policy proposals to tackle clearly stated public problems. It is almost as if governing, for the Republican right, is fundamentally about an attitude, rather than about experience or practicality or reasoning. The degeneracy of conservatism – its descent into literally mindless appeals to tribalism and fear and hatred – was on full display.” http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/07/andrew-sullivan-liveblogs-the-rnc-night-1.html
Nobody has more humility or is more humble. Trump will tell you so himself.
And it continues. Maybe he has relatives of a similar radical nature who might like to settle right here in NW Georgia? Clinton and Barry need to get right on that!
Yawn…speech after speech after speech (at the convention last night). Doubtless it will be the same the first night of the Democratic convention…with schedules like those, no need for a 4-day convention and no wonder TV ratings aren’t what they used to be…how about some action? Instead of party platforms being rubber-stamped, lets have the first night of each party’s convention open for debate on perhaps two or three contentious issues—perhaps abortion, immigration, trade, entitlements—give perhaps an hour and a half for subject A, hearing pros and cons, and then have the convention vote on ABC. Then we can see for instance whether Republicans really feel abortion should be outlawed in all circumstances (even with the pipe dream of a constitutional amendment on that matter) and what Democrats feel about trade (the latter a big Sanders issue). Heck, at least at the state Republican convention (held in Augusta last month), resolutions were debated on the floor by the delegates. On the second night of the convention (D or R) you would ratify the platform and have some speeches. Too bad the Braves, with their spotty record this year, don’t provide an alternative to the carefully scripted party conventions.
The passage in question is below, the real issue is do you disagree with what Melania Trump said? Should not this be about substance, not gotcha politic?
…………“you work hard for what you want in life,” that “that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect.”
“We need to pass those lessons on to many generations to follow because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them,”………..
………There was no substance, it was an all-fluff rah-rah speech………
It was his wife speaking? You have 2 standards! Would say the same about Michelle Obama? I guess not!
……..I agree with what Michelle Obama………..
Why are you attacking Melania Trump over “a fluff piece designed to reassure people….”? HUH?
Dude. What the hell is your problem?! You are ruining this comments section. Get it together!
Rather ironic when I pointed out that Hillary supported the 94 crime bill ie war on drugs on steroids, that especially hurt poor white people, minorities and single mothers…..you said the below.
………..Lea Thrace June 21, 2016 at 2:02 pm Reply
It’s like you are purposefully and actively trying NOT to listen to what minorities are telling you. You have such a hate/dislike for Hillary that you cant focus otherwise. It’s downright comical at this point………..
Now I defend a woman you say the below.
…….What the hell is your problem?! You are ruining this comments section. Get it together!…….
The hypocrisy is almost laughable…..I am sure Jon will ban for this, the truth is the truth.
You are not even reading actual comments anymore. My comment to you this morning had nothing to do with your comments on Hillary and everything to do with how abrasive you are in your comments and responses.
There are plenty of people who do not agree here in the GaPol community that are able to have civilised discussions. But you have devolved into something else. You put words in peoples mouths and you attack where no attack is needed.
I used to actually look for your comments (particularly back in the PP days) because they tended to be insightful and level headed but now I make it a point to scroll past. I am not sure what has happened but you have seriously gone off the rails.
Get it together Mr. Konop.
I can show you numerous comments like this, yet some how they are ok, yet mine are worse? Do I really need to show you more? I do not always agree with Rick Day, but comments like this attacking him have nothing to do with the topic, yet nothing is said,
…….The Eiger July 18, 2016 at 4:59 pm Reply
I think I’ll pass on the parenting advice from the resident pot head. Thanks though………
BTW even on this thread any objective person would see way more aggressive language from Andrew.
nevermind. goodbye Mr. Konop. I shall continue to scroll past. have a great day.
It was less than 3 percent of the speech! LOL…… Hillary supporters call people misogynist for merely questioning her policies, yet your above comments reeks of you treating Melania with NO RESPECT! She is from a different country and wrote a speach in our language, and used similar phrasing for less than 3 percent of the speech. REALLY?
Do you hold Obama to the same standard? The difference between us is I think it is all BS……
Bush speechwriter: Obama plagiarized Bush
Beyond the plagiarism, what I took away was that it wasn’t a particularly GOOD fluff piece about “my husband, the candidate.” It had a lot of banal, generic praise, but where were the anecdotes? Where were the memories? Where were the moments about the real, private Donald Trump? The kind of things only a spouse knows? Like, go back and watch Ann Romney, Michelle Obama, or Laura Bush speak at these conventions. Their speeches are warm, funny, loving, and above all, personal: Nobody but them could have given those speeches. Even before the plagiarism came to light, praise for it was all about surpassing low expectations. (And not closing with it, and continuing on for Flynn to Eastwood his way around foreign policy for like half an hour and push Ernst into the late local news just shows the people running the show stink at their jobs. Michael Deaver must be rolling over in his grave.)
The GOP establishment completed its pivot ahead of the convention, even if their candidate has yet to do so, replacing “Trump has finally said something that’ll knock him out of contention” with “Maybe this time he’ll say something a serious candidate would say.” Rock on Donald.
And then there’s this guy.
yeah. i waiting for someone to really try to defend his bull#%@$.
Hey, yall remember that dialogue a few weeks back on minority engagement? THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO IT. THIS IS THE OPPOSITE.
Three words: …Sheriff…David…Clarke…”Blue Lives Matter!” Thank you, Sheriff…
Two other words: Marcus…Luttrell… Thank you, Marcus! We need more like you! To my fellow posters here, please take six minutes and hear him.
Canton homes were peppered with KKK recruitment flyers this weekend.
As Bill O’Reilly opined the difference between the KKK and BLM is the race they vilify.
I thought it was that one had been engaged in a dirty war since reconstruction to preserve white supremacy, while the other was a recent spontaneous outcry in the face of officer involved shootings that occurred under ambiguous circumstances.
I wonder if it is significant that MARTA has a 100 person bus and uses it to go to the Clayton County Justice Center.
Roger Ailes is toast.
wow. things just got really interesting over at Fox. Didnt think it could get worse after G. Carlson suit. It just did…
Are you seeing this on TV or in print articles?
Print and online so far. Originated with New York Magazine (double sourced) and has been carried by CNBC, Bloomberg, USA Today, NYT, NYP, etc…
Thanks! That’s one hell of a scalp to get. The non-conservative media will be on this for days! Not saying he doesn’t deserve to get canned, it’s just a huge political story.
Something is up. The 3 network and 3 cable news outlets are each silent. There is an unwritten rule that when something news worthy of a major player in that network happens, they are the ones who get to break the story and the other new networks follow. Example, Brain Williams fate was reported by NBC first, the others followed. The death of an anchor/major reporter is reported by their network first. Are the majors holding back for a reason?
So there is an outbreak of Norovirus at the convention. I promise you I’m not laughing. When it rains it pours.
Was Melania Trump’s Speech Rick-Rolled As Well As Plagiarized?
Totes epic, brah!
The entertainment is outside too !
Cleveland, WOIO reports:
“Activists from Black Lives Matter, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK were in the square and, at one time, were said to be throwing urine at each other.”