Happy Halloween! Will is busy getting his costume ready for this evening, so I offered to fill in for him.
Today’s headlines – and a few from over the weekend:
- How we all handle sharing food
- The Florida-Georgia Water Wars trial begins today. Hopefully they’ll go better than the football rendition from the weekend.
- About those “vote flipping” voting machines…
- Family Research Council and the Pastor forced to turn over his sermons.
- A cheerful headline for the Georgia Down Syndrome boy whose photo went viral
- That’s a wrap for the hotel moratorium in Savannah. And a new doozy for Augusta, too.
- Husbands and wives are often split on politics and ballot box
- A crappy day at the Democrat headquarters
- That time a Suburu was stolen…and then returned with additional cash
- Tinder is linked to an increase in STD’s? You don’t say.
- Proof that the world is probably ending on election day: Jesus’ tomb has been opened.
- The very latest presidential polls……