Happy Birthday Ed Lindsey
Today is Edward Lindsey’s birthday. If there is one thing you can say about Ed, it’s that he’s willing to jump into the fray. Elected to the State House in 2004, he steadily gained seniority, and contributed to the efforts of the Judiciary Committee, among others. In 2014, he decided to run for the open seat in the 11th congressional district that was being vacated by Phil Gingrey. Ed lost that primary, but remains involved in Georgia politics via his position on Dentons’ Georgia Public Policy team.
Even as a State Representative, Ed was a frequent commenter back at the old place. After leaving office, he became a contributor here, sharing his insights into politics and policy as someone who had “been there, done that.” Take a moment, if you will, to wish Ed a happy birthday in the comments.
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Happy birthday Ed. I hope Athens treated you well. Thanks for all you continue to do.
Happy Birthday Ed. After reading George’s post I’m reminded yet again that having another one beats the alternative.