Georgia’s Electors to Vote at Noon (Video)
UPDATE: Baoky Vu, the elector who has resigned due to opposition to President-Elect Trump, will be replaced by John Padgett, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.
After more than a month of emotional pleas, Georgia’s members of the Electoral College will vote at noon in the state capitol. Presumably, all 16 of Georgia’s Electoral College votes will be cast for President-Elect Donald Trump. You can watch it live here.
Georgia is one of 21 states that does not bind electors to the state’s popular vote by law, which resulted in a deluge of requests from around the country to vote contrary to Georgia’s citizens.
Rachel Little, an elector from Georgia’s 7th District and former Chairwoman of the Gwinnett GOP, has been documenting the bizarre experience on Facebook. As of midnight last night, she has received 83,288 emails, at a rate of 10 a minute. That doesn’t include the 978 pieces of physical mail she has received.

Kirk Shook, an elector from Oconee County, told 11 Alive he has also received over 80,000 emails, the vast majority of them from anti-Trump voters. Ms. Little has said that most anti-Trump requests are from New York or California.
Both offer assurances that all 16 of Georgia’s electors will vote for Trump.
Randy Evans, a high-profile Republican official and an elector, described the push for unfaithful electors as a “well-funded, well-organized operation.”
That operation became highly visible with this video of Martin Sheen, Debra Messing, and C-list Hollywood actors begging Republican electors to vote for anyone but Trump. (No mention of Democratic electors voting for an alternative Republican, of course.) Personalized videos for individual electors were even posted, though they have since been removed. One misidentified the gender of a Kansas elector, marking Mr. Sheen’s most confused moment since this.
One elector, Baoky Vu, resigned in August after promising not to vote for Trump. He will be replaced by the Georgia GOP with an as yet unnamed elector.
Protests have formed outside the state capitol building. Our own George Chidi has live video of them here.
A link of all 16 of Georgia’s Republican electors can be found below:
- Bruce Allen Azevado
- Brian K Burdette
- Lott Harris Dill
- John David Elliot
- James Randolph (Randy) Evans
- Bobbie D. Frantz
- Linda D. Herren
- Rachel Blackstone Little
- Deborah (Debbie) M. McCord
- Michael Neil McNeely
- Mary L. Padgett
- Neil L. Pruitt
- Joshua Kirk Shook
- Frank B. Strickland
- Baoky Nguyen Vu (Resigned, and replaced by Chairman John Padgett)
- John B. White
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For me it would be quite a dilemma.
After all the xenophobia and racist themes, the hiring of Bannon, the insulting treatment of women, does voting for this guy mean you are endorsing those things too?
On the one hand, we know we can’t believe anything he says, so that’s a possible rationalization. But he sure has enabled a lot of hatred and bullying, and that comes along with a yes vote too.
What exactly is the role of an elector? Are they really supposed to just hold their nose and vote for the nominee no matter what? Is there a line to not be crossed? If we haven’t crossed it here, where is it? How close to Mussolini would he have to be to say no?
If we end up in a war with Russia would or should an elector feel guilty about that?
Tried to watch. Knowing they were going to have to send the Padgett for Vu substitution to the Governor why couldn’t they have him on hand? Excuse for more editorial speechifying? And no free BBQ to be had. Modern politics in Georgia sucks.
I think I can speak for all of Georgia Pol when I cosign the request for free barbecue
Russia is busy bombing the civilians in Syria and waiving their scare swords at the anti-colonialist, open borders Obama and Democrats. The civilized world is tiring of them.
In light of Trump and his designated sec of state, a top negotiator with world wide interests promising a reset on trade deals and tariffs on currency manipulators: billionaires in China, Europe and everywhere else and hedging all they can to get U.S. Dollars.
The threats on our electors is beyond the pale of mob behavior and the crys to stop our government process is sedition. The backlash should be ugly.
And yet our President-elect has set the example by crying fraud even before the election, and undermining the intelligence agencies because they don’t kiss his ring.
We are legitimizing a lot of bad behavior right now and it’s really going to be hard to reign it back in.
You are correct, for years now the intelligence agencies have been sub standard for a world power and we have been legitimizing bad behavior from open borders to standing down in riots to fraud on the compliant citizens.
Merry Christmas
Bad Behavior from a hyper-partisan, obstructionist Congress and campaign system that rewards character assassination and lies on the daily news over relevant events and facts.
Bah Humbug!
The civilized world is tiring of Russia? And how does that play out?
I’m pretty sure Vladimir Putin does not want to be our friend, and I’m sure he has a plan.
Our Congress and candidates have lowered the bar on respect for government and law. It is no surprise citizens are now joining the fray from all sides.