January 16, 2017 6:00 AM
Morning Reads – Monday, January 16, 2016
January 16th is a big day in history. In 1919, Prohibition was ratified, on this same date in 1920, it went into effect, and it’s the 19th anniversary of the beginning of the Monica Lewinsky/Clinton lies probe.
Today is also Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, though that date is not affiliated with the 16th, but the third Monday in January.
- Jobs & the Second Amendment in one economic development package
- Recent study indicates that casinos in Georgia won’t be all they’re cracked up to be.
- Alabama threatens additional legal action in water wars dispute
- Breakdown of what Trump believes is the broken 5th Congressional district.
- UGA Marine Extension landing accolades.
- List of Dem legislators making other plans for Friday grows
- Trump may legitimize bloggers
- Sharpton is emotional about Obama departure
- Superbowl tickets tank after Cowboy loss.
- CIA Director wants Trump to tone down the Tweeting
Today is also National Fig Newton Day.
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Just to clear up any Fig Newton confusion
The very controversial Eddie Long, leader of New Birth Missionary, died yesterday at age 63. Church attendance declined greatly over the years as a result of numerous scandals.
Unable to open that casino article but did it note we currently lose revenue when our citizens travel to North Carolina and others states that have casino gaming?
Talk Radio hosts to have press access in the White House? Can you imagine reps for Rush and Hannity, with apologies to Bob Euker, “in the front rowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!”
I think it would be hysterical. Finally, some truth might be written about an administration!
I’m more concerned over the press room being moved to a building across the street to allow this additional access. The administration gets to have the ‘perception’ of more news outlets having WH access while removing all press access from the WH property…
Wouldn’t a move to the OEOB simply be to have bigger digs? I’m not sure if there is any symbolism associate with this. Many WH folks have offices there, too.
They want to move the White House press pool out of the White House. It’s not the Old Executive Building press pool, but the WHITE HOUSE press pool. You are basically telling everyone the entire press (regardless of which outlet and what bias it may or may not have) can no longer know what happens in the White House, can no longer be in the White House, can no longer do live shots from the White House Grounds or know what happens or who comes and goes from the White House – only what the admin wants to tell you in the briefing at the Old Executive Building. Again, it’s PERCEPTION.
Oh man. Mountain out of Mole Hill. It’s all basically the same complex. Larger, better facility for the press is better for all concerned. Many cabinet secretaries have an OEOB office. Who the hell said they can’t do shots from the WH grounds? You’ll still see the media toadies doing live shots with gloved hands clutching the mic with snow falling. Good grief…
Sort of like saying we are moving you to coach from first class. It’s basically the same plane. – it’s a larger area then the tiny first class, more seats and bathrooms, more people to talk to who fly, still have access to the same door, get the same updates from the crew, and everything. Who the hell said you don’t get snacks, they have snacks and even beverages in coach too…
(written with Sarcasm font)
i hope humor is an acceptable contribution to the open threads.
bc life is abt to imitate art:
I don’t blame Alabama one bit for getting upset about the idea of inter-basin transfers. That’s polite talk for pumping water up a hill so other folks can use it. Such a plan in Georgia would be very expensive and terribly destructive of river life and habitat. I like the Oconee where it is and I’m not at all interested in sending some of its flow westward to subsidize more office parks and tract housing. You metro people need to get a grip. If we can build additional reservoirs to supply our water needs, so can you.
I’m disappointed the comedy isn’t getting any better as the new clown President prepares for office. Priebus’ jokes that Obama ought to “step up” and that “it’s time to come together” bombed.
Comedy aside, who says Trump isn’t surrounding himself with the best and brightest? It’s impressive that Priebus figured out that five years of Trump claiming Obama wasn’t qualified to be President is different from Trump being an illegitimate President because of Russian interference in the election and Trump’s possible ties to the Russians. Priebus’ next stunning revelation will be that birtherism is the same as our understanding of the effects of Russian interference on election results, and knowledge of Trump’s ties and those of his campaign and advisors to the Russians.
Is it legitimate to point out the content of Podesta’s emails, ie. fixing the Dem contest for Hillary against Bernie, the press collusion with Hillary’s team, might have had something to do with folks reacting negatively to Hillary? If his emails had been a series of nursery rhymes as opposed to instances of political corruption, no one would have cared, including you.
“I can guarantee you that RNC staff was emailing about how to stop or sideline Trump…”
You’re totally right. They were doing it out in the open for all to see. Nothing secret about it. What was the magazine that came out with an entire issue devoted to the reasons to stop him? Weekly Standard or National Review?
What does he mean? Does he remember he said it? Single payer? Did Paul Ryan’s head explode?
So many questions.
Gene Cernan. RIP…Just damn…
In Vermont, a building has the right to be ugly…
Dang, y’all, Beckel is back on The Five! Great move!