Sen. Perdue Supports DeVos Nomination
U.S. Senator David Perdue issued a statement today in support of the nomination of Besty DeVos for Secretary of Education. It would be an understatement to say that DeVos has one of the most difficult paths to securing a position in President Trump’s administration.
Sen. Perdue:
“Both of my parents were school teachers and education is something very dear to me. Parents, teachers, administrators, and students all know that one-size-fits-all Washington education standards are not working and it is time to return control back to states and communities. Betsy DeVos shares these same beliefs. She has championed school choice and, as evidenced by her years of involvement, will work tirelessly to improve our education system. I look forward to supporting Betsy DeVos’ nomination and working with her to help all students succeed.”
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It’s pretty sad when the best you can say about someone’s qualifications is “as evidenced by her years of involvement”.
However, she is very wealthy, so that’s good enough.
Not just wealthy but a heavy donor. That’s an OK criterion for ambassador, head of education not so much.
But I don’t doubt her commitment to educating kids. She has, however, little knowledge and less experience. I hope her good intentions don’t get overwhelmed by her ideology.
All of that money buys a lot of speech, and I doubt too many people have had as much speech on education as her.
If she must be rewarded for all that money donated, give her a cushy ambassadorship. Not qualified to head Education.
You no doubt know it, but it’s because Senators Collins (despite being critical of Sander’s line of questioning DeVos about political contributions) and Murkowski have indicated they won’t vote to approve DeVos as Education Secretary. The nomination won’t be approved if another GOP Senator breaks ranks, and many are being deluged by constituent phone calls, assuming no Dems do. It’s the reason commercials supporting DeVos are appearing on TV.