The Case for Tom Price, MD
Being the head of a federal agency is a different thing than having experience in what that agency is supposed to regulate or manage. It’s not a requirement, but it’s usually a good thing, and one reason why Rep. Tom Price (currently my congressman) should be confirmed as secretary of Health and Human Services -and hopefully without the drama and gamesmanship some of the other nominations have seen. An op-ed in the Washington Examiner points out that
It’s worth reading the whole thing, which makes the case for Price as very well qualified for secretary of HHS, not only as a physician, but also as chair of the Budget Committee in the House and a member of Ways and Means. His nomination has been held up and taken longer than the confirmation of President Obama’s two two nominations to that post combined. And there’s this:
Pretty sure we know what the author meant to say, and pretty sure that it didn’t come out quite right.
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So if the democrats use all of their 30 hours of debate it looks like Price’s confirmation vote will be at 1am tonight or tomorrow morning. However you want to say it. So the era of ObamaCare repeal and replace will officially start tomorrow.