March 13, 2017 1:07 PM
GAPol CollegeInsider.Com & NCAA Tournaments Challenge
Step right up and try your luck for our two post-season basketball challenges!
First, we will make single-game predictions for the Postseason Tournament starting with Georgia State’s first game and… well, only dealing with GSU’s championship run.
The secondary act is the NCAA Tournament. GAPol’s bracket group is here. The password is “TrumpisGod” and the group name is Ron Hunter’s Acolytes. You may enter two brackets: one mascot based/homeristic and one actually predictive.
Do that and be sure to post your Final Four below. (Gonzaga, Villanova, Purdue and Butler).
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Gonzaga, Duke, Kansas, and North Carolina.
Duke beats Kansas in the National Championship game 84-79.
Really going out on a limb.
That is a limb not having UCLA, Arizona, or Oregon in the Final Four.
Villanova, Gonzaga, UNC, Oregon.
Repeat final with Carolina beating Villanova this time 78-77.
I named my bracket Jeb! and then i picked no upsets.
Please clap.
Villanova, Arizona, Louisville, Kentucky
Villanova over Kentucky by a decisive 77-63
Ed’s analysis of Tom Price’s interview on the Today Show re the GOP healthcare plan is enough to make me forgive having to type “TrumpisGod” to get into the bracket challenge.
Although I’d type that all night long before I’d type “Duke” into the finals.
If GSU loses tonight I will IP ban anyone who looks at me funnily for a week.
Exploiting these students for monetary gain is shameful. Y’all should split the pool with some charity or something.
Oh wait…