Sign Tom Price up as an adherent of alternative facts (heretofore known as lies).
When pressed on the fact that the CBO said eventually 24 million Americans could lose their healthcare coverage with the Republican legislation, Price attempted to weasel out, instead continuing to rail against Obamacare.
“The fact of the matter is Obamacare has failed,” Price said.
“The report only looked at one third of our plan,” he added saying “every American will have access to coverage.”
As Savannah and Matt said, “access to coverage” is a vastly different proposition than coverage.
I’m glad that Price can now speak authoritatively to the CBO report. Yesterday he “strenuously” disagreed with the report even though he admitted not to having read it. I don’t exactly expect a Cabinet-level secretary to have immediate reaction to a 37-page report, but then just say “we are continuing to review the report” before making sweeping statements on it’s merits. Or work for an administration that is not content just blithely making stuff up for the sake of making stuff up.