March 29, 2017 6:09 AM
Morning Reads on 3/29 with a Special Award
Trump has already proved himself more mendacious than a Clinton. Truly a remarkable accomplishment.
“Outside of a Small Circle of Friends” by Phil Ochs.
- Alyssa Milano gave folks a ride to the polls in CD-6.
- ATLiens satisfaction survey goes live on April 10.
- MARTA improves neighborhood.
- If you don’t want to be called a neo-confederate, don’t be a neo-confederate.
- Today could be the big day before the big day for Sonny Perdue.
- Shocker: John Lewis was no fan of the abortive ACA repeal bill.
- Remember that time Republicans campaigned for seven years on repealing ACA and then they couldn’t? Good times.
- Sanford Bishop helped give 30,000 jars of peanut butter to DC food banks on behalf of Southern Peanut Farmers Federation.
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Devin Nunes must have inspired the #9 morning read: it’s something important but you can never show us what it is.
dang it. you beat me to it!
“During a debate with former Obama spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki, (Jack) Kingston questioned why it was okay for liberals to make jokes about Trump being orange, while conservatives are repeatedly called out when they make jokes about a black woman’s hair making her look like James Brown.”
Well Jack, you are free to “call out” whoever calls him orange, and we’ll be all even.
Trump has visited Trump National Golf Club three times since Eric Trump came to Washington to promote the 2017 Senior PGA Championship tournament at the course this Memorial Day weekend.
Cool. The Presidency is being used to sell tickets to a golf tournament.
Saturday night Trump went to dinner at the restaurant in his D.C. hotel, where “a reporter from The Times was already having dinner” What do you want to bet other news organizations have also learned that if you want to be able to report on what Trump does on any given weekend evening he’s in Washington you book a table in his hotel?
Westinghouse Electric filled for Chapter 11 today.
Does this mean Georgia Power can take off the monthly fee for the ‘future’ reactor now? (sarc)
Really? Lol!
Donations to Clinton Foundation down by 37 %. But whyyyyyyyyy?!
SO you could have something to randomly post about?
I figured that’s about the only answer your side could attempt.
I don’t have a side. I have complicated thought out opinions that pretty much don’t conform to being a member of any political party and 3/5 of them don’t align with yours.
Example, I am not a fan of Hillary. I even voted for a Republican in the presidential primary.
Dwell on that one for awhile…
I was especially impressed with the complexity of your 6:41 pm response! 🙂
And the Mar a Lago initiation fee was doubled to $200,000.
Making America Safe Again!
Your reflexive need to say the polar opposite to whatever point I make is amusing. This particular one is even more lame than normal, counselor. Murder v self defense? Really? Get some sleep. You obviously need it.
Lol! Morning, Pavlov! Save yourself some heartache, realize when you’ve been corrected and just move on!