A Word on GeorgiaPol’s 2018 Election Coverage
With the 2017 legislative session closed and a new Masters winner wearing a green jacket, we are gearing up for the 2018 campaign season here in Georgia. Candidates are beginning to announce, which means that soon there will be incessant chatter in political circles about who’s up, who’s down, and who should have dissolved his campaign months ago. Although many of you pretend to hate politicians, there is no denying how much we love politics and the drama it brings into our lives.
Those of us at GeorgiaPol want to make sure that our readers are up to date on what is happening in important 2018 statewide races. We’ll begin by focusing on the three most likely expected to be without an incumbent: governor, lieutenant governor, and secretary of state. Throughout the next year and a half, we will be covering public events, reviewing campaign press releases, and tracking candidate movements to give readers the most up-to-date information on these campaigns.
It is no secret that our writers have their own political beliefs (covering the entire ideological spectrum). These beliefs may color our coverage of events, but, as Charlie explained in our founding document, it is better to wear these biases on our sleeves than revel in the façade of bias-free journalism. We’ll cover Democratic and Republican candidates, and even a credible (and likely some non-credible) independents or two.
For my part, I am going to try and be as fair as possible, reporting facts and/or providing neutral analysis rather than advancing an agenda. This is what Jon Richards did for GeorgiaPol before he passed away. While I am certainly not Jon, I do want to provide some continuity to his work. So, expect to see me at campaign events and, if you are involved with a campaign, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is something you think we should be covering (no guarantees here obviously). My email is roboldham24(at)gmail(dot)com.