GHA Denounces Unauthorized Use of Logo in #GA6 Political Ad

We just received the following press release from the Georgia Hospital Association in response to an unauthorized use of its logo by in a pro-Ossoff ad in the GA-6 special election., the public policy advocacy group and political action committee, has made an unauthorized use of the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) logo in its online political ad called “The Void.” The video misrepresents the concerns GHA recently shared with our congressional delegation regarding the American Health Care Act (AHCA), legislation that was pulled from consideration by the U.S. House of Representatives on March 24, 2017.

“The Georgia Hospital Association denounces the online advertisement from and its unauthorized use of the GHA logo, a fact that is being communicated to that organization along with a formal request to remove our logo from the ad,” said GHA President and CEO Earl Rogers.

The ad implies that GHA is aligned with the Ossoff for Congress Campaign in opposition to the AHCA, an assertion that has been furthered by other online media sources. Although we are interested in the outcome of the special election, GHA has not endorsed a candidate in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District race. The same is true of our national organization, the American Hospital Association, which makes appropriate campaign contributions on behalf of Georgia’s hospitals with guidance from GHA. Furthermore, GHA continues to work with both Republican and Democrat policymakers toward the mutual goal of protecting Georgia’s patients and ensuring that all citizens of Georgia have access to quality health care services.

“GHA is proud to serve as an unbiased resource to Georgia’s state leadership and congressional delegation as they consider options to improve our complex health care system, including potential changes to the Affordable Care Act,” Rogers continued. “With the help of our member hospitals, we will continue to analyze the impact of any state or federal health reform legislation and voice our concerns about any proposals that would result in additional payment cuts to providers or less affordable coverage options for Georgians.”

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