May 31, 2017 8:16 AM
Morning Reads With Good Covfefe
Is it non-crazy to believe the POTUS is now just an act, a la Rush/Sean/Glenn etc to intentionally troll us? And just… why? Oh right. White Baby Boomers had their feelings hurt by liberals.
“The House I Live In (That’s America to Me)” live at Madison Square Garden by Frank Sinatra.
- Help Kayla Elizabeth find her beloved stuffed dog in a reindeer dress (last seen at Hartsfield).
- Legitimately bad ex-cops find employment in schools. That doesn’t seem wise.
- Democrats begin worrying if Ossoff can be taken seriously.
- Fewer Peaches? The South is Aghast!
- The latest, far-too-long, national profile of CD-6 in the New York Times. (At this point I want them to both lose).
- Hampton Civil War museum shuts down after proprietors invent claim of county commission meddling over Confederate Flag. Truly my heart weeps for the Nash Farm Battlefield Museum.
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Several CD6 friends have told me that they are fully aware that Ossoff will be completely ineffective in the Congress. He’s not some anointed golden child; he’ll be like any other freshman – except he’ll probably be taken even less seriously than the typical freshman. All that said, they feel that an ineffective representative who has marginal impact is preferable to someone who they fear will be taken more seriously as a freshman – and who would probably (in their eyes) only work to support/validate Trump.
“And just… why? Oh right. White Baby Boomers had their feelings hurt by liberals.”
Really? To quote John McEnroe, “You cannot be serious!!!” The only feelings that have been hurt recently are those of the apoplectic Libs who lost a preordained slam dunk election and are currently engaged in a very real effort to disparage Trump at every turn. Too bad, though. It’s just water off the Great Man’s back, bud. Speaking of hurt feelings, Ed, do you support the Kathy Griffin stunt of holding the bloody Trump head? Or is that just “freedom of speech” in your eyes?! Do tell…(I can tell you that it’s not “free speech” in the eyes of my Secret Service brothers. I hope Griffin knows she’ll be in their threat computers for the rest of her life.) Oopsss….
If true, this news, just like the existence of Stana Katic, proves there is a God…
Well, if the exact same provisions applied to all/every single countries of the world, especially China and India, for instance, then we could talk. Otherwise, it’s just a way of getting into Gringo pockets! And that ain’t happening under the Trumpster!
So which provisions are you objecting to under the pretense that they are not applied across the board. (Mind you, not everyone has signed on to the agreement so how can they be applied to everyone?)
Exactly!!! Thank you! And why, pray tell, have not all of the world’s countries come breathlessly running to the ol’ mesa to save our decaying planet?!!?!!?!? Hmmm? If all the major industrial powers aren’t on board, then neither are we! Time for the US to quit being taken for chumps. Thank God for Trump’s common sense!!!!!!
The entire thing. The idea that we can spend massive amounts if money to lower the world’s temp by .00000001 of a degree is monumentally stupid and a waste of taxpayers ‘ money. Let that that Socialist Dream die!!
Major Industry leaders in oil, gas, and finances all support this deal.
Also what exactly do we have to follow that China and India don’t? Norway2016 does any of your knowledge on the Paris deal come from somewhere besides Limbaugh or Hannity?
I’m a Kathy Griffin fan, but I can’t imagine any context that would cause that action to be anything other than very poor taste, at best.
we lost a damn good dawg last night. coach ken cooper died at the age of 80. he played for the dawgs in the 50’s before becoming an assisstant under vince dooley and eventually the head coach of ole miss in the 70’s…he had spent his retirement as one of the emergency back up teenagers coach’s at benedictine here in sav’h…
I’m kind of curious how one becomes an emergency backup teenagers coach.
And what the responsibilities of that role would be.
He was just named Tennis Coach of the year at Benedictine less then a month ago. I don’t know about dawgs and such, but Ken was just an all around good guy.
My the perpetual light shine of you Coach Cooper.
Nice, Ellynn. The phrase that always gives me comfort is our standard benediction. Something to the effect of: “May The Lord bless you and keep you; May The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; May The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” RIP, Coach!
Catholic girl, born and raised. I know my orders, prayers, masses and requiem parts – in Latin (well most of them…).
Been singing the Peter Lutkin version of that benediction since I was a wee small cheesehead back in kindergarten. It was (and has been for 51 years) the signature closing song for my public school system’s high school competition choir.
Maybe known already, but fun-filled fact either way, is that benediction is the same Jewish priestly (Aaronic) blessing that’s been going on for maybe 3,000 years now.
i can see where that phrasing might be confusing…coach cooper was an asst. on the bc football team…one of my children, the emergency backup teenager, as he is affectionately known, plays football at bc…hence my description.
Drones at the Savannah River Site?
The reason why there are so many vacancies in the Trump administration is, well, Trump. What might an appointee be asked to do? Take a loyalty oath? Authorize killing people to deflect attention or pump up Trump’s ego? Lend your credibility to that of a conspiracy theorist?
McMaster may be a case study in integrity being stripped away bit by bit. He had to step into a press briefing and say that Trump’s visit to the Middle East would “bring a message of tolerance and of hope to billions” in spite of Trump’s campaigning on xenophobia and wall building.
Ironic, since McMaster in his book Dereliction of Duty, argued that Vietnam was the fault of politicians in Washington who thought they knew what they were doing, as well as those who remained silent or acquiesced.
Other reasons many simply be the bloated bureaucracy. We might not need so many Principal Deputy Assistant Secretaries for Twiddling Your Thumbs positions. More power to him on that score.
The recent trip sure pointed out his need for a protocol advisor. Or at least someone who understands it that he would deign to listen to and follow said advice.
Its working out really well for him thus far…(and you probably believe that so…carry on)
Nice one Norway! Nothing desperate about completely changing the subject.
Not changing. Just a different subject. Sickening liberal tactics and actions present themselves practically every day.
I don’t think anybody on this site is defending Kathy Griffin. By your logic you should have to answer for that Right Wing nut job who stabbed people in Portland.
There are assholes everywhere
Here’s the CiC: “it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at [the] podium with perfect accuracy!”
Here’s our junior Senator: “Isn’t it refreshing that we have a president re-engaging with U.S. allies around the world on his first international trip?”
Imagine these two discussing Putin and Duterte with Merkel and May.
Whoa, Nellie!!!!!!!! Will Rice, Powers and Brennon be on Hillary’s cell block!? Lol!