May 31, 2017 12:10 PM
NRCC: Ossoff is Too Risky for #GA6
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has released a new TV ad in the #GA6 race that “targets Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff for his support of the notably dangerous Iran Deal and shows how his liberal policies are just too risky to keep Georgians safe.”
NRCC Communications Director Matt Gorman:
“Not only did Jon Ossoff lie about his national security experience, he and Nancy Pelosi support policies that would make our country less safe. Jon Ossoff is a risk Georgians shouldn’t have to take.”
The special election will take place June 20th. Early voting has already begun.
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Nancy Pelosi…blah blah blah
Too Liberal…blah blah blah
I think they need some new material. How about Karen Handel’s positions on healthcare? She supports the house’s AHCA. There’s a real winner. Karen Handel, she supports the Trump agenda. Dont think we will see that slogan.
“Tearing it up (the Iranian nuclear deal)…is not going to happen. In spite of all the flaws of the agreement, nothing bad is going to happen relative to nuclear development in Iran in the next few years. Its just not.”
Who said THAT?
Was it the far left’s Chuck Schumer? How about John Kerry? Elizabeth Warren? Oh heck, maybe Cynthia McKinney?
Would you believe (drums please), Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee? The state that has not elected a Democrat to the Senate since the days of (remember him?) Al Gore? He’s up for re-election next year, so I suspect the NRCC ads against him will be getting underway by the end of the year.
Andrew, from your contacts in the Jewish community, can you give us a ball-park figure of what percentage of Jewish voters in CD 6 rank the Iranian nuclear deal as their number 1 or 2 daily concern?
I’m officially reserving the right to not take anyone serious if they complain about Ossoff going negative. Talking about Karen Handel’s spending decisions while in office is nothing compared to this crap. “If you elect Jon Ossoff PEOPLE WILL DIE!” This is so desperate and sad. The only thing that’s worst than this ad is the fact that it might work.
Lib play book. Been working for decades. Haves v Have Nots, Rich v Poor. And the envious sheep lap it up! Revolting! But not surprising.
What? I have no idea what you are referring to
neither does he…
…as a general rule Lea is correct
Andrew, interesting take on the anti-refugee ads—I actually thought it was aimed at Jewish voters because of Ossof’s clear advantage among them, Republicans perhaps thinking they can get some of his voters to them over the Iranian deal. I think hard-line conservatives were not going to vote for him in the first place. As AJC pointed out today online, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church—hardly a hotbed of liberalism—took in a Syrian refugee family. As for 10,000 Syrians, well that is not even half a percent of our population; somehow I don’t think we will get overwhelmed…
The way I see it…If I only had republicans to chose from Karen Handel would be my choice as she was the most moderate of the 11 that ran, but being that I dont have to chose among republicans there are 2 issues where she has taken positions that are deal breakers
1 That she was the motivating factor in Komen refusing funding to PP. That ended up being reversed and did enormous harm to Komen’s reputation among women and really cost them in donations which could have saved lives. For all of you that say PP doesnt provide screening, PP runs huge programs educating women how to do self breast exams correctly. This saves more lives than any other type of screening if done correctly
2. She came out and said she would vote for the AHCA, a bill that is supported by 17% of the population (and rightly so). Wrong answer. It showed that her knowledge was lacking or she was pandering (while lives are on the line). Neither of those are acceptable.
I’m not so thrilled with Ossoff’s take on the budget (shows he doesnt quite understand how that works either) but he is by far the better choice.
Actually hearing from the candidates will be refreshing. The multi-million dollar PAC attacks are beyond ridiculous.
I don’t see GA6 going for California liberal and honorary shah Ossoff any time soon against Karen.