June 7, 2017 7:55 AM
Morning Reads 6/7/17
Wow, what a debate last night! Two inspiring intellectual heavyweights representing the best elements of their parties had an uplifting, level-headed discussion! Somewhere that happened but it was not in CD-6.
“Return of the Mack” by Mark Morrison.
- RIP to the voice of Wallace of “Wallace and Grommit.”
- We should all have a slice of cheese in his honor.
- Jimmy Carter gets Gerald Ford’s medal.
- Gwinnett ethics board says county commissioner violated ethics rules when calling John Lewis “a racist pig”.
- Sanford Bishop “disappointed” with Trump.
- Hank Johnson introduced legislation to prevent hacking of U.S. election systems.
- The Pride of Georgia (AKA: GSU’s Robert Davis) got a hero’s welcome after being drafted.
- NY Times travel section hearts Cumberland Island.
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At 10:22 am, there are no comments about the Ossoff-Handel TV show.
If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all.
As with every debate outside the POTUS ones, the rule is that nobody really watches it live, so don’t screw up and gaffe something that can get repeated long afterward. Nobody’s going to get persuaded by a Tuesday night debate on WSB. Looks like Handel gaffed with “I don’t support a living wage,” but nothing insane or race changing.
WSB’s poll on who won the debate
Thats a pretty substantial margin. Seems all the Pelosi is falling about as flat as I said it would and Handel really screwed up with saying “livable” wage instead of “living” wage. You’ll see that soundbite on a commercial quite soon I think.
(also, if Handel had nailed it the headlines here would be screaming it…instead…crickets)
Is it really a gaffe? That’s what republicans believe. I’m pretty sure Republican thought is that it doesn’t matter how much you work, it just matters what the market thinks your worth, whether you can live off it or not.
I listened live on 750AM.
And though I might agree with what that “poll” seems to be stating, it’s an internet poll, self-selected, and you can vote more than once. It has as much validity as a reality show.
The good news is Ossoff is a completely independent candidate and will not drop in step with progressive democrats. Cough, choke…….
How bold, how daring!! Truly inspirational!!
Let’s hear it for 2036!!!
What happened in Iran?
ISIS attack on parliament and Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini. 12 dead. 46 injured.
The Iranians (who are Shiite) have been helping some American backed Kurds and northern Iraqi fighters with ISIS (who are Sunni). The ISIS affiliate believed responsible is from a ultra conservative Sunni sect that receives some sort of aid or support from Saudi Arabia. Thus Iran is blaming the Saudis.
Iran also sides with Syria, which is also fighting ISIS.
Plus, Iran clams the Saudi based group has been ‘inspired’ by President Trumps visit and support, sort of indirectly blaming Trump.
Sheriff Hobby and deputies sued for mass-strip search at Worth High.
I would have liked to have heard both candidates’ plans for eliminating the deficit, and whether after, say, 6 years, they would leave Congress if the budget were not balanced (as a sign they seriously believe in fiscal responsibility)—no bromides about eliminating “waste, fraud and abuse”. I would have like to have heard how Mr. Ossoff, if elected, would get his spending cuts through a Republican Congress, andif his cuts are so wonderful, why have they not already been enacted? Perhaps Mr. Ossoff (to demonstrate his “independence”) could have named three (3) issues on which he differs from the Pelosi, Sanders and Warren wing of the Democratic party (such as whether he thinks the rich already pay their “fair share” of federal income taxes). As for Ms. Handel, it would have been interesting to hear her position on abortion in a district that doubtless has many pro-choice voters, whether she agrees that the 10,000 Syrian refugees admitted into the US (those commercials, you know) are going to overwhelm the United States or otherwise be a major threat to our safety, and why she thinks Ossoff, at age 30, is too young and inexperienced to be in Congress, but Paul Ryan, current Speaker of the House, was not too young and inexperienced when he was first elected to Congress a short time before his 28th birthday.
What were their plans on Global Warming to satisfy the guy who has been asking on here so often?