GA Attorney General Chris Carr Taking on Opioid Crisis
Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr announced today that the Consumer Protection Unit of the Office of the Attorney General is currently investigating “whether manufacturers have engaged in unlawful practices in the marketing and sale of opioids.” 55 of Georgia’s 159 counties have an overdose rate that is higher than the national rate.
A.G. Chris Carr:
“America’s biggest drug problem isn’t only on our streets, it is also in our medicine cabinets. From June of 2016 to May of 2017, the total number of legal opioid doses prescribed to Georgia patients surpassed 541 million, and we are losing far too many citizens as a result of drug overdoses. I am pledging to the residents of Georgia that our office is prepared to take every step necessary to help combat this epidemic, and we will continue to find ways to work with our federal, state and local partners to seek justice on behalf of the people of Georgia.”
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About time
That’s only 50 doses per person, babies and inmates included. Patients? There seems to be a physician problem.