July 20, 2017 6:00 AM
Morning Reads – Thursday, July 20, 2017
On this date in 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. became the first men to walk on the moon.
- Mayor threatens arrest in email exchange over “In God We Trust” stickers
- Mosques threatened in Georgia
- Don’t point a laser at a police helicopter
- Also, don’t fish illegally at Lake Oconee
- Double the school nurses through Medicaid…
- UGA sets higher fundraising goals
- Georgia tax breaks: costly giveaways or economic development?
Jimmy Carter
- Lawmakers still dishing out pork
- USPS broke the law for Hillary
- ICE agents headed into sanctuary cities
- Trump’s Opioid Commission Fails to Meet Deadline Again
Sweet Tea
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RE The “In God We Trust” story, everybody seems to be unwilling to mention the name of the town in question.
It’s said in the exchange of emails – Grovetown, Ga outside of Augusta.
I finally spotted that, the third time reading it…..
AG Jeff Sessions yesterday announced a new DoJ policy that puts the federal government back in the business of civil seizure of assets. The so-called adoptive seizures occur when a state police officer seizes property and then transfers it to the federal government, which then forfeits the property under federal law. Importantly, state law enforcement gets to keep up to 80 percent of the proceeds of the forfeiture, and if you don’t think that’s a recipe for abuse, try getting stopped driving with some extra cash.
btw, if Sessions had even a smidgen of personal honor he’d resign today after the reaming Trump gave him in the NYT interview yesterday, but then he wouldn’t have the means to shape the citizenry in his own image, would he? Next on the list, dopers.
I’d turn that around. If Trump was really the hard-nosed dealmaker businessman the GOP thinks he is, he would’ve fired Sessions.
Business taxes: Creating an environment that attracts quality life styles and jobs is what it is about. Government is about how best to do that for all the people, politics is about selection.
Eliminate the corporate tax and agencies that spend it. Eliminate the personal loopholes by leveling the percentage taxation of income. Everyone with skin in the game. Start by eliminating schedule A and handouts below taxes paid.
Bringing back coal isn’t happening nor will it. But when you’re Trump, just say you created 50,000 coal jobs even though there were few more than that (77,000 in 2014) before you created 50,000 more of them. Unable to pass a bill desired by the base despite having “signed more bills” than any president ever? It’s the Dems fault—it’s not as if the GOP base understands the GOP has majorities in both Houses of Congress.
Caught red-handed colluding with Russians on an American election. It was a Clinton-Obama setup, and besides, it’s what any American candidate would do. A bill cutting health care for the poor an embarrassing flop? Declare repeal without replacement is victory. Never mind that that damages the health care system for those that are insured by their employers, and destroys it for everyone else not on Medicare.
This isn’t the standard political spinning of facts, stretching of the truth, cherry picking of data, creative interpretations of events, or offering partial truth instead of the whole thing. It’s pure unadulterated fantasy made up out of thin air. There hasn’t until now been North Korean-style “Make up your own reality” lying from the White House on this scale, nor the complicity if not support of a political party for it.
Lying is a great strategy, since the GOP establishment will dismiss any lie, and the GOP base will believe literally anything as long as Trump says it. Nothing good is going to come of this. We’re witnessing the crossing of the Rubicon for American democracy, and the GOP establishment doesn’t care.
Consolation: watching the GOP self destruct for four years is so much preferred to the other choice we had.
And, the Republic thought they were the party that could glean out the best direction…….oops.
There’s no consolation in being the GOP minority.
“On Russia related issues we find a certain degree of willful ignorance among Trump voters that can possibly best be summarized by this finding: only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton […] 32% say the meeting didn’t happen and 24% say they’re not sure.” — PPP pollingthat
The failure is the lady was a fraud and had no indictable info on the Clinton’s, one of the sleaziest political families in American history,
So what did Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin talk about in private at their other meeting at the G-20 without any other American present at the G-20?
“Trump has decided to end the CIA’s covert program to arm and train moderate Syrian rebels battling the government of Bashar al-Assad, a move long sought by Russia, according to U.S. officials.”
I commented Tuesday that Trump had made a deal with Putin to abandon Syria to Russia’s man Assad. And he’s continuing to deliver, unlike what he does for an adoring GOP base. It’s worth it to keep shady dealings with Russian oligarchs or the pee tape or whatever under wraps, which is strange, because if there are or have been shady dealings or there is a pee tape, so what?
Woops don’t film yourself planting evidence. http://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/exclusive-baltimore-police-camera-shows-officer-may-have-manipulated-evidence
So Savannah crime was on the DOJ radar last year, and linked in with places like Baltimore and Chicago… or so the local federal AG tells us in an off the cuff comment during a forum.
Also of interest statewide… Logistics. (aka trafficking of containers out of port terminals)
What the next major league stadium and surrounding complex in the ATL could look like.,,
And because I like buildings… and urban design.. and Art.
What’s Gov. Deal been up to? Is this the slow season in governorship?
Noway no longer has to worry over what will happen to the new generation of over educated snowflakes… This will free up his time to dwell on things like world peace.
So a Cop in Minneapolis shoots an unarmed white woman in pajamas and because he is a Somalian the primary concern is backlash on Muslims ?