August 23, 2017 11:38 AM
Atlanta BeltLine Loses CEO
Paul Morris, now the former BeltLine CEO, has plenty of time to circuambulate Atlanta after the organization’s board voted to remove him from the post earlier this morning.
Full details are not yet available. The AJC reports a BeltLine spokesperson referred questions to the Mayor’s office and The Atlanta Business Chronicle has a report but it is behind a paywall.
Questions about Morris’ long-term role with the organization surfaced earlier this summer. He drew especially harsh criticism that the BeltLine was not even 15% of the way toward meeting its target of having 5600 affordable housing units by 2030 along the 22-mile loop.
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What does “circuambulate” mean?
Walk all the way around (something).
Example: I circuambulated Ed because he is Ed.
To walk in a circle, not to be confused with walking around in circles…
What Lawton said…more or less.
And anyway, this is probably the most perfect time to use it in a lead on GAPol……..except the BeltLine isn’t complete.
15% housing with 12 years to go when the Beltline isn’t even done doesn’t sound so bad on the face of it.