November 22, 2017 6:54 AM
Morning Reads With Thanks
I’m thankful for all my loyal fans (IE: the entirety of GAPol’s readership). And to anyone who isn’t on board:
- White House shares Sen. Perdue’s op-ed.
- And the best junior senator from Georgia sends happy birthday wishes to the 3rd Infantry Division.
- Kennesaw realizes it will have to readjust if it wants to survive.
- The Braves are screwed.
- Delta gets some great news!
- Jimmy Carter continues to be a goody-two-shoes.
- As mediocre a POTUS as he was, I can’t believe Carter and Trump can now be associated.
- Johnny Isakson will, unfortunately, be very busy next year.
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Jimmy Carter’s administration had the worst start of any other President’s within my living memory… until this one. As I stated in this forum after the first hundred days, this administration makes Carter’s look like a well oiled machine.
And yes, the Braves “rebuilding” just got the same treatment given the Georgia dome. There is definitely no joy in Mudville or Marietta.
Ed, just because you go to the dentist doesn’t mean you have to read the People magazines there. All this Tay-Tay is giving me a headache.
Good line yesterday from Ari Melber: So far this year Trump has pardoned two turkeys and Joe Arpaio.
So three turkeys?
Raleigh was right. I’m surrounded by wealth envy Socialists… There’s a reason it’s the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Be sure to point out “gluttony” tomorrow.
You okay with losing the SALT taxes, and paying taxes on your taxes? You okay with corporations getting better tax deals then small business? You okay with some professions who are self employed or own small firms getting stiffed because they are classified as a speciffic type of “professional”, while the new pass through rules aproved by the House allows hedge fund owners and billion dollar LLC’s who employee thousands of people greater tax breaks by percent paid then actual small business? You okay with lowering the corporate rate while leaving in the majority of the corporate tax loop holes that will allow companies that already pay zero or below what the new tax rate is taxes already?
Pointing out the flaws and loop holes that only help a handful of people does not make you a socialist. Does the corporate tax code need to be reformed, yes it does. Does it need to be so law that it forces mandatory sending cuts to future budgets in things like Military sending, Social Security, and the Medicare/Medicaid system? (cutting or even eliminating anything else will not cover the revenue loses). Does it mean over spending again and raising the budget? Senator “Cut the national debit for our children and grandchildren” suddenly wants to expand it. Why?
And before you go, ‘the future grow will pay for it… “The “greatest Business School in the world” per the president says… not really.
Which leads me to ask, why are we doing this again?
This will not help either…
Or this…
No, Pride is usually considered the deadliest.
I’m not against having a tax breaks for airplane maintenance. That’s a highly regulated and restrictive process to have planes certified and repaired. Small companies and small business would benefit for this. Large corporation would just take their jets to Europe or Asia to have FAA required and regulated maintenance if they didn’t get it here. That being said, tax break could be a bit lower then it is.
That presumes Europeans exempt the maintenance expense from taxation. I doubt European wages are less.
The current value of the dollar vs. the Euro would make the coast lower. I can also tell you Asian hubs for aircraft maintenance pay much lower then American based hubs.
Mean while on the coast…
Standard Bearer 2020…Lol!
You think sexual assault is funny?
You’re a sick man.
Riiiiiight! I’m the sick one. Tell that to Biden’s numerous victims! Put some gravy on that laptop today! LOL!