December 5, 2017 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, December 5
Good morning! It’s Runoff Day in many cities and districts in Georgia.
- This opossum is my spirit animal. (And of course it happened at a Cash’s.)
- Many Teavana stores might not be closing, after all – at least, not the ones in Simon malls.
- Respect mah authoritah!
- The “apostrophe catastrophe” isn’t the fault of smartphones. It’s because people are lazy.
- Braselton is getting a tunnel!
- The environmental argument that glitter, “the herpes of the craft world” should be banned.
- In California, NIMBYs aren’t helping the affordable housing crisis.
- Spelman and Morehouse are dealing with allegations of sexual misconduct.
- More women than ever before are running for office.
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Brer Possum knew that whiskey was mean and evil before he broke the bottle.
Tip of the cap for incorporating Cartman into the morning reads.
From Roy Moore’s campaign: “If you are a liberal and hate Judge Moore, apparently he groped you, if you are a conservative and love Judge Moore, you know these allegations are a political farce.”
If you’re a liberal and love Roy Moore, you’re institutionalized. If you’re a conservative and hate Judge Moore but will decide what to do about him after he’s elected, you’re an establishment Republican.
Trump expressed support for Moore and establishment Republicans can’t make up their mind what to do about a child molester, so there’s no evidence yet of the depth of depravity that’s too much for the Republican party.
I speculate that the polling underestimates support for Moore because some people are reluctant to admit to pollsters that they will be voting for a child molester/sexual predator. Others that think they their minds are made up to oppose Moore will fail to show up, or waver in the booth—After all, It was only one underage girl. Alternative facts. Witch hunt. Fake news.
If you give to the RNC, you are in favor of child molestation. That they are contorting themselves to justify supporting a child molester is as sickening as anything I have ever seen in politics, and no…sexual harassment by anyone doesnt rise to the level of child molestation, so dont even try the all sides equal. The GOP is in a land of its own making now.
We hit the news from the big City of Chattanooga today. 13 Pipe Bombs found
Let’s see, Conyers out; Franken STILL in?! WTF? Obvious racism?? Drew? B? Bearse?
You spelled Farenthold wrong.
Franken’s day is coming. Have to do the whole ethics thing…
Maybe there’s news about Conyers I haven’t heard yet, but Conyers doing the right thing by stepping down as ranking member of the Judiciary Committee a week ago doesn’t warrant comment.
As to Franken, I understand that Conyers actions occurring in his role as a Congressman and the improper use of funds are distinctions between the two that may be difficult to comprehend.
(This was intended to be a reply to Noway2016.)
No, you don’t. He could resign. Just like Conyers. Definitely double standard.
Et tu, Weissman?
Yates did as then Sessions asked of her in her senate hearing, upheld the rule of law over the wishes of a president, knowing she would be fired. She was proven right by two federal courts (that included conservative judges). Everyone should be a little in awe. When did defending the law become a Trump bias issue?
The tribalism is strong with this one.
(I can’t get this comment to show up where it’s supposed to.)
Man, that had to hurt…LOL!
LOL! I guess you’re ok with obviously biased investigators working for politicians you like and against those you do not. There’s not even a scintilla of even-handedness or impartiality. The people are beginning to see that more and more as details become public. There will more and more calls for Mueller to step down. But, hey, Trump himself will go nowhere. He’ll just continue, un-politician-like, to make good on his campaign promises. Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem is just the latest. I’m going to a t-shirt shop and buying you a shirt that has the number “67” on the front and back. A constant reminder of the fact that you’ll need 67 US Senators to vote to remove Trump from office in any Senate trial. Will never happen. To quote Bob Dole, “You know it, I know it and the American People know it.” Try not to get too frustrated.
He ain’t gonna win. So, this won’t be an issue for you next Wednesday morning.
You said that about Trump last fall…
Lolol! I did, however, revise my prediction and was the only one here to nail the exact electoral number for The Great Man!!