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Lt. Gov. Cagle Releases Educational Legislation Priorities

Georgia Lt. Gov Casey Cagle released a plan today that he believes will “build on our state’s continued pursuit of greater opportunities for our students and to grow a workforce that meets the needs of our state’s expanding economy.”


“Georgia’s education system must be built around the needs of each individual student – and that begins with local control. Our highest priority must be to continue introducing new educational pathways and choices for our students, while freeing teachers to focus their efforts around actual learning over bureaucratic mandates. Acting on these specific measures will better enable local education leaders and parents to make the right choices for our students. Education is the great equalizer that gives every person the ability to earn success with hard work and perseverance. By rewarding individual student progress and achievement over compliance – we will make Georgia a national leader in lifting 3rd grade reading levels, declaring war on high school dropout rates, and growing a workforce that is second to none.”

The priorities include:

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