December 20, 2017 8:14 AM
Morning Reads for Wednesday December 20, 2017
Be sure to post your mailing addresses below if you want a sweet gift from me.
“Christmas in Dixie” by Alabama
- I’m gonna say it’s a bad thing if $5 million for GA 911 services just goes missing.
- Brookings Institute: GSU is the best university in Georgia.
- Ain’t nuthin’ sacred anymore? Rapid City, S.D. vandals deface Jimmy Carter statue.
- How Johnny Isakson stands to benefit from tax bill provisions.
- You can now live, work and/or play at Georgia’s first shipping container village.
- Fire up the Bing Crosby, baby!
- Bob Trammel outlines his legislative priorities.
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I think it’s funny how the left continues this line that senators voted for the tax bill to enrich themselves. You realize that it is impossible to pass comprehensive tax reform without cutting the taxes for members of congress and their constituents?
Again, I don’t care that Johnny Isakson may make more money. My family will see $10,000 more a year in our take home pay. Thank you Johnny. Thank you very much.
So we not only drop the enlightened part of enlightened self interest, we crow about it.
What’s the over/under on how long it takes the Trumpistas to realize the tax bill won’t benefit them except according to generally accepted gop accounting practices? I vote never. Never sounds good to me.
Assuming I believe that we must balance self-interest and selflessness/giving, I read the “10K more for my family” argument as reasonable, but unbalanced. The balance should be in the bill, not in the hypothetical next bill, or the “if only we could make a better/more perfect bill”. This is not the perfect being the enemy of the good. This is the 30% being the ally of the 10%. But whatever, let the pendulum swing. It’s gonna, and gotta, do that anyways.
I wonder how many Trumpistas work for AT&T.
“Trump hails AT&T for giving $1,000 bonuses to more than 200,000 employees because of tax bill passage”
You are correct. I did not properly vet my Hill click bait article. I’m out of practice.
Also, happy Hanukkah. Why are you on georgiapol? Your wife will kill you.
Where is this calculator that tells how you will do? I want to check mine.
I’d start by clicking on the Bloomberg article below. Also, my tax bracket was reduced by 4%. 4% of my family’s income is easy to calculate. Then taking into account the doubling of the standard deduction minus doing away with the personal exemptions I arrive at the $10,000 number.
It just seems too speculative at this point. What about mortgage interest deductions? School loan interest deductions?
What is there to speculate on? Read the bill or the Bloomberg article below and plug in your own numbers. Quit being so lazy.
I honestly don’t care if you believe me. I know what I’m getting because I can do math.
I did plug in my own numbers. As far as SALT deductions, they do ask if you live in one of about 6 states or not. Is it really that simple? No mention of mortgage or student loan deductions. Are they gone? Charity deductions?
We’ll all find out soon enough. My thought process started when I was thinking “how will we be able to tell how much we have saved”? Our taxes change every year; income, deductions, dependents.. So to really tell you would have to do your taxes twice- once under the old system and once under the new. You can’t compare this year to next year if you’ve gotten a big raise or bonus, or had a kid, or any number of other changes. It would be interesting to come back next year and see if you really did see the $10K.
Yes, it really is that simple.
I do my own taxes every year. I promise you that I will have $9,750 more next year in my pocket. Unless I get a new job with a pay raise that puts me into a higher tax bracket.
Charitable deduction stay. Mortgage deduction for mortgages under $750,000 stays. That’s down from a million. Student loan deduction stays.
Sometimes things are as they seem. You are getting a tax cut. Unless you are a millionaire living in New York or San Francisco.
Eiger, enjoy having more of your own money in your billfold. You deserve every cent.
B, keep up lamenting a devastating, common sense tax victory by the Prez that gives you absolutely nothing to run on next fall. Lol! People are getting sick and tired of your side’s Class Warfare mantra. That part is over.
Here’s one
Bloomberg has a great article that lays out eight different scenarios and how those people will be helped or in the case of a few millionaires in New York harmed by the tax bill.
The behavior of the Socialists is hysterical!!! The gnashing of teeth and their caterwauling is disgusting. Again, please tell me where allowing someone to keep more of the money they earned is bad. (Yes, even Bill Gates) You can’t do it. The Parasite Lobby is screaming like Holy Water on Dracula. Give me a heavy British Accent and a new reality show that opens, “Hello, I’m Robbing Leech…”
Funny article. The 911 call center “fees” or Tax isn’t missing per say it’s miss-appropriated. All those “fees” or Taxes go into the General Fund to be allocated out to the intended use. But magically those “fees” or Taxes are re-appropriated to other pet projects like the GO-FISH center. I guess now if you call 911 on your cell phone it’s the GO-FISH center that gets the call…..
Inspiring speech by The Great Man! Another in a cascade of achievements to MAGA!!! I wonder if he’ll actually travel to Anwar to step on that first shovel??
“Court tosses out one-vote victory in recount in Virginia”
So the race is tied and they are going to flip a coin or draw straws or something.
This may be yet another case of Ranked Choice Voting providing a more satisfying result. Let’s say candidate A gets 11,608 votes, and 8200 of them pick candidate B for their second choice. Candidate B also gets 11,608 votes, but only 6400 voters pick candidate A as their second choice. Candidate A should win!
I prefer mud wrestling . Oh snap I bet they used all the mud up during the race. Jello maybe?
Wait a minute- candidate B should win!
The “Corker Kickback” that was added at the last minute to the conference bill (it wasnt in either house or senate versions) is set to cost 414 Billion in lost revenue. Just for perspective:
Republicans say they cant find the money for…
CHIP 9 billion
Food Stamps (at their maximum funding) 78 Billion
but sure…they just have such need at the top for lower taxes on pass through income. Its enough to nauseate any normal human being
Thanks for the GSU love! Its about time people recognized the greatness of the state’s largest university.