Morning Reads for Jan. 10

Can the Legislature go away and can college football come back already?

“Requiem for John Hurt” by John Fahey. 

  1. Expert: Jimmy C should lead U.S. nukes negotiation with North Korea. 
  2. Also, if Trump’s as good at negotiating as he says, why isn’t he hammering out international deals? Makes you think….
  3. Georgia Trend once again left me off the “Influential Georgians” list ipso facto the whole thing is flawed. 
  4. Secretary Sonny sees a national broadband connectivity scheme in the country’s future. 
  5. USA Today: Georgia State is the top-ranked football team in Georgia (in a G5 Conference) 
  6. Atlanta cardiologists HATE this one list. (You won’t believe number 3). 
  7. One episode released and I’m predicting “Atlanta Monster” could be the new “Serial”.

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