January 10, 2018 10:19 AM
Morning Reads for Jan. 10
Can the Legislature go away and can college football come back already?
“Requiem for John Hurt” by John Fahey.
- Expert: Jimmy C should lead U.S. nukes negotiation with North Korea.
- Also, if Trump’s as good at negotiating as he says, why isn’t he hammering out international deals? Makes you think….
- Georgia Trend once again left me off the “Influential Georgians” list ipso facto the whole thing is flawed.
- Secretary Sonny sees a national broadband connectivity scheme in the country’s future.
- USA Today: Georgia State is the top-ranked football team in Georgia (in a G5 Conference)
- Atlanta cardiologists HATE this one list. (You won’t believe number 3).
- One episode released and I’m predicting “Atlanta Monster” could be the new “Serial”.
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There is an old joke where a religious man was caught in a flood and a deputy stopped by to take the man to safety. He refused and said, “The Lord is going to save me”. The waters kept rising and a boat and a helicopter stop by and he still refused. He drowns and found himself in front of the lord where he ask Lord why didn’t you save me? The Lord replied, “I sent a Car, Boat, and Helicopter to save you”.
Such it is with the Flu. Last year I lost an Uncle because he refused to go to the doctor. I know some of you out there in cyber land don’t believe in flu shots but If you start having symptoms don’t delay and get to the doctor even if you’re a liberal or conservative. I’d kind of like to keep you all around for the entertainment value. The link is a tragedy along the same lines.
Be safe and well.
Jeff Bezos and 499 other people who are richer than you.
North Carolina’s Republicans are claiming foul after a judge has thrown out their obviously political gerrymandered congressional redistricting. “Clearly, the courts have realized that they do need to step in and police extreme partisan gerrymanders, and the court recognized that North Carolina’s gerrymander was one of the most extreme in history.”
Be still my heart! Making the Senate Great Again!!
In Arpaio is the nominated, I’m sure Kyrsten Sinema will do a great good as a Senator.
Whatever makes you sleep best, Catwoman! Sheriff Joe is beloved. If he runs, he wins. Period. Next…
An ancient white guy with a history of making war on brown people. I can only presume that MAGA for Republicans of your ilk means that you hearken back to the days of the Dixiecrats, not the party of Lincoln.
Anyone who supports a person who supports strong borders is a racist, huh, Will?! You’re an idiot. On full display!
To me it’s not a matter of who wins, but is this who we want to be? Arpaio is about much more than a supposedly secure border. He doesn’t follow the rule of law, and that is how we become a banana republic.
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Exactly. In his grandstanding zeal to be the epitome of a dime novel law-and-order sheriff this guy was convicted of not just breaking the law, but completely ignoring lawful court orders. Plain and simply he condoned traffic stops, roadblocks, neighborhood sweeps and other Gestapo tactics targeting residents solely based on their ethnicity. Many were detained without any reasonable suspicion that they were violating any of the laws his office was authorized to enforce.
Let’s set aside my objections to his neglect of constitutional civil liberties though and look at fiscal matters. Any conservative worth his salt should not ignore the fact that Arpaio’s department misappropriated millions in federal taxpayer dollars meant to improve the county’s jails. Instead he kept his tent city and used the money to investigate his own critics, personal travel, and of course, immigration sweeps. Maricopa County has paid an additional $44 million in settlements for his investigations of his political critics alone.
So no way am I making Noway’s illogical leap of labeling all who support strong borders as racist. I’m simply stating that a guy who condoned racial profiling, was ordered to stop racial profiling, and continued to racially profile is a racist.
Nice attempt at pullback, Willy. You’re the one who brought up the Dixiecrats but we all know what you were doing. Imply that your opponents are racists! Used to work but now,…not so much. Sheriff Joe was just enforcing immigration law when the Feds didn’t have the will to do it. He’ll make a great Senator. I’d get used to that idea if I were you or any member of YOUR “ilk.”
Plus if your heart is still, how are you going to live to even see any of this…
Yes please.
Here we go…LibWatch’18! Later, Dude!
I’m waiting for your link to the Fox reporter…