Rep. Handel Calls for Investigation of Olympic Gymnast Sexual Abuses
Rep. Karen Handel (R, GA-6) issued a letter today to Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary, calling for an investigation into the sexual abuse of United States Olympic gymnasts. Her full letter can be seen HERE.
Rep. Handel:
“With so many abused young women, it is clear that there existed a culture of institutionalized abuse within the USOC and USA Gymnastics and that a situation existed in which others no doubt had knowledge, yet turned a blind eye. The sentencing of Larry Nassar is not the end to this story. Too many questions remain, and answers are needed to prevent this from happening again.”
“The victims deserve answers, and our future Olympic athletes deserve to know they are safe. A hearing in the Committee on the Judiciary is needed in order to determine the facts of what happened at the USOC and USA Gymnastics that allowed this abuse to continue over the span of 25 years.”
“One of the things that makes our country great is that we stand up for what is right and true. It is only right that we pursue what is true. What I also know to be true is that we must ensure these women and the American people have a full understanding of how this was allowed to happen and, most importantly, how to ensure such systematic, vile misconduct never happens again.”
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“What I also know to be true is that we must ensure these women and the American people have a full understanding of how this was allowed to happen and, most importantly, how to ensure such systematic, vile misconduct never happens again.”
News flash. We already know. Some men, especially those in a position of authority with respect to females, take advantage of females. One step would be not to rationalize the predatory behavior of officeholders of candidates for office, or tolerate them calling out victims as liars.
Snivler, you’re beginning to sound like Rain Man. You’re a one note pony on this Moore thing. He’s gone. But that doesn’t stop your endless bleating. Lolol! “it’s time for Wapner, it’s time for Wapner, it’s time for Wapner…” Lord, are you sad!