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Brenda Fitzgerald Resigns As Head Of CDC

CNBC is reporting that Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald has resigned as the head of the CDC.  Dr. Fitzgerald has come under fire for trading tobacco stocks as CDC Director. 

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, who is an ob-gyn, also had owned stock in other tobacco companies prior to assuming her post almost six months ago as one of the nation’s top health officials.

A lengthy delay in Fitzgerald’s divestment of her stock holdings, which included shares in health-care companies, was cited by the Trump administration Wednesday morning as the reason for her resignation.

News of her tobacco holdings was broken by Politico in a story Tuesday night, shortly before President Donald Trump, who nominated Fitzgerald for her job, gave his State of the Union address. Politico noted in a story two weeks ago that Fitzgerald had repeatedly been unable to testify before Congress because of financial conflicts that were still unresolved.

Dr. Fitzgerald is a graduate of Georgia State University and Emory University, and previously served as Georgia’s Commissioner of the Department of Public Health.

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